中国美术网 09-05 浏览
1972年 生于广东暜宁
1994年 《中国高等艺术院校色彩研讨会》中国杭州
1996年 毕业于华南师大美术系获文学学士学位
1998年 结业于华南师大美术研究所 研究生班
1998年 接受中央电视台"美术星空"《走进广东》专栏采访
2000年 接受中央电视台"美术星空"《70 年代艺术家新锐的目光》专栏采访
江衡作品 新偶像时代-我漂亮所以我快乐
江衡主要是以青年人生活的“梦想” 和期待来切入时尚风潮。假如说,在大众传媒,在流行风潮,在都市时尚没有走进人们的家庭之时,人们的知识、信仰大多是和深度文化,是和英雄人物的坚苦卓绝之类的壮举相联系。而当大众传媒把消闲商业化,把趣味企业化,把人们的感觉享乐以最为科学和艺术的手法“挖掘”成为商业资源之时,人们的梦想便发生了实质性的变化:即他们崇拜的偶像便是流行时尚的“弄潮儿”,个人生活及至理想生活开始“卡通化”。这正是江衡作品所关注的焦点。
2006年 《“超越的维度” — 中国新绘画》·南京四方当代美术馆
2006年 《“首届5X7照片双年展”---2006中国平遥国际摄影大展》·山西平遥
2006年 《“广州风景”---2006中国平遥国际摄影大展》·山西平遥
2006年 《中、日、韩艺术家交流展》·日本福冈美术馆
2006年 《“变异的图象” — 中国当代油画邀请展》·上海美术馆
2006年 《广东美术家协会中青年美术家提名展》·广东南星阁
2006年 《都市状态·中国当代艺术邀请展》· 爱沙尼亚塔林美术馆
2006年 《2006中国当代艺术文献展》·北京 中华世纪坛
2007年 《沉溺》 ·广州如意画廊
2007年 《向前----第2届广东新青年艺术大展》·广东美术馆
2007年 《第 22 届亚洲国际艺术展》 ·印度尼西亚
2007年 《中、日、韩艺术家交流展》·韩国大邱文化中心,韩国MORTER画廊
2007年 《茉莉- 15 位中国当代艺术家瑞士季节首展》 · 瑞士季节画廊
2011年《中国艺术》艺术家微博展 中国风现代美术馆
《中国现代艺术史》系列丛书、《新中国美术史》、《中国现代艺术展览史》、《中国今日先锋艺术》、《艳俗文化与当代艺术》、《艺术界》、《艺术家》、《美术界》、《都市人格与当代艺术》、《美术观察》、《画廊》、《艺术中的个人与社会--中国十一位青年艺术家作品展》、《中国当代艺术思想史》、《成都双年展》、《广东当代油画》、《中国当代油画》、《 首届中国当代艺术年鉴展 》、《中国当代油画》、《中国先锋艺术1979--2004》、《中国油画史1900--2000》、《3号线》、 《首届中国当代艺术年鉴展》、《艺术与社会 — 26位批评家谈中国当代艺术的转向》、《中国艺术》、《北方美术》、《中国当代油画1979 — 2005年》、《中国美术年鉴》、《艺术当代》 、《知音》、《香港风情》、《花溪》、人民日报、羊城晚报、南方都市报、香港大公报、城市画报、周末画报、粤港信息报、广州日报、南方日报、中国日报、英文早报、上海英文报、FLASH ART等专业杂志与报刊。
中国广东美术馆 中国何香凝美术馆意大利曼多瓦青年博物馆
深圳美术馆 中国风现代美术馆
Jiang Heng, born in 1972 in Puning, Guangdong Province, graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of South China Normal University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in 1996. He currently teaches in the College of Art and Design of Guangdong University of Technology. He is one of the representatives of the important artists of "China Cartoon Generation".
Brief Introduction to Characters
Jiang Heng is currently teaching at the College of Art and Design, Guangdong University of Technology. He is one of the representative artists of "China Cartoon Generation".
From 1997 to 1999, his works and personal introductions were selected into the series of History of Modern Chinese Art, History of Exhibition of Modern Chinese Art History, Pioneer Art of China Today, Popular Culture and Contemporary Art, History of Modern World Art, Art Circle, Artist, Art Circle and Urbanite respectively. Professional magazines and newspapers such as Ge and Contemporary Art.
Personal resume
Born in 1972 in Huaining, Guangdong Province
1994 Symposium on Colour of Chinese Art Institutions of Higher Learning Hangzhou, China
Graduated from the Department of Fine Arts of South China Normal University in 1996 with a Bachelor of Arts degree
Graduated from Graduate School of Fine Arts, South China Normal University in 1998
In 1998, he was interviewed by CCTV's "Art Star" column "Entering Guangdong"
In 2000, he was interviewed by CCTV's "Art Star" column "The New Eyes of Artists in the 1970s"
Creative Style
Jiang Heng is one of the representatives of the important artists of the "cartoon generation" in China. He no longer thinks about the so-called depth of the picture, but directly dispels the purity and academic characteristics of the oil painting language in the painting language. He intentionally cuts into social life with the visual narration of painting advertisements and cartoons.
New Idol Age of Jiang Heng's Works - I am beautiful, so I am happy.
Jiang Heng mainly breaks into the fashion trend with the "dream" and expectation of young people's life. If we say that in the mass media, in the popular trend, when urban fashion has not entered people's families, people's knowledge and beliefs are mostly related to deep culture, and are related to Heroes'feats such as perseverance and excellence. When the mass media commercializes leisure, commercializes interest, and "digs" people's sense of pleasure into commercial resources by the most scientific and artistic means, people's dreams have changed substantially: their idols are fashionable "tidegoers", their personal life and their ideal life. Start cartooning. This is the focus of Jiang Heng's works.
Work Evaluation
Relevant Evaluation I
Jiang Heng's works have always attracted the attention of the art circles. His paintings focus on depicting urban Chinese girls. Because the painting is lively, relaxed and full of the avant-garde and fashion sense of today's urban girls, his works have participated in important art exhibitions at home and abroad. Here is his new work "Beauty Fish" series. The picture is clean and sharp. Characters show a keen sense of cruelty, showing the unique temperament and spiritual characteristics of a generation growing up in the material consumption society. In the diversified metropolitan world, a new urban atmosphere represented by young girls is emerging.
Apart from that long hair, Jiang Heng does not have the abruptness and curiosity typical of avant-garde painters. He is a very tender and gentle man, and his pale and meticulous face is full of boys and girls, who walk with long hair floating. Is this the reason why Jiang Heng was born a woman?
Relevant evaluation II
Jiang Heng is a native of Chaoshan, Guangdong Province. That is where beautiful women come from. These beautiful women are gentle, frugal and blend traditional virtues in one furnace. Because his parents are busy with their work, Jiang Heng was brought up by his sister since childhood. His sister is 8 years older than him. He has more contact with women at the beginning of his life, and is deeply influenced by women's feelings of joy, anger and joy. He had a kind of sincere respect for the beauty of women, so that he became quite obsessed with ancient paintings of ladies. He said that his early paintings of ladies were too idealistic for women and had a detached color.
Jiang Heng has extended this persistence to the present, and now has created the series of "Beauty". "Beauty. Fish" can see the traces of classical beauty - fish is a specific symbol of Chinese ancient metaphor for women, but also a symbol of good luck, so that they wander around a sexy and enchanting girl, implicit and publicized contrast, a good contrast of two different times on the beauty of different aesthetic views. The times are different. Jiang Heng takes a new look at and deconstructs the modern beauty phenomenon. He has a skeptical and critical attitude towards the phenomenon of modern beauty.
Relevant Evaluation III
"Beauty Gun" expresses Jiang Heng's idea more directly: these beauties are holding a gun and a toy gun, no matter they are shouting, or pretending to be "cool" or tranquil. Wouldn't it be funny to have a serious gun in such a cartoon? According to Jiang Heng, guns are also a symbol of men, and the beginning and end of beautiful women make people feel an open relationship between men and women. Even if they are holding a bottle of perfume (Beauty perfume bottle), they are so aggressive.
Relevant Evaluation IV
Compared with the traditional beauty, the beauty in Jiang Heng's works is no longer a cherry mouth, no longer a light laugh, but a very Hi and quite a lot of posture, full of commercial smiles. If it is clear and obscure, it makes people ripple with mystery, warmth and compelling sexy, but the sober Jiang Heng makes a powerful irony at it. Among all the fun, excitement and freshness, beauty is only a kind of money that can be used to seek novelty, show off and squander. Because in Jiang Heng's value judgment, these beautiful women have become captives of hedonism. For example, their discos, cafes and bars, soaked in shaking lights and sound, floated Witchy figures; they did not feel indebted to emotions, did not care about the long-term, can have several boyfriends at the same time; they pursued popular things, even if it was just a flash in the pan. A little cool, a little wild, a little frivolous, a little bad, mixed together and collaged into the rough outline of these city objects.
Relevant Evaluation V
Jiang Heng's feelings may be paranoid, but they are really "the most real voice" in his heart. His praise for women in his heart is that he treats people sincerely, does things steadfastly, does not do superficial work, and does not cater to others. Here is the shadow of the mother, there is also the recognition of the girlfriend who has been in love for four years and who is a teacher in the university. The resulting aesthetic judgment is the source of his creation of Beauty series, from which he gets pleasure. When he shows his works to some beautiful women with the same background as the characters in the painting, they will exclaim: How beautiful! No one can see the implication. Jiang Heng was not disappointed because disappointment was expected. They asked where they went to play and how much money they spent watching a series. Jiang Hengqiang was energetic, but the pink face in front of them became empty and pale.
Relevant Evaluation VI
Really did not find that kind of shocking beauty? Jiang Heng said, very few. Even if there is, it is not about 20 years old. Jiang Heng feels that there is a generation gap with the new and new human beings. It's a post-plastic age, and everything is sparkling with fascinating color and luster, regardless of its function and texture. Beautiful women are no exception. The body packaged in outdoor clothes, miniskirts and waistcoats makes sexy in our eyes. Enchantment and provocation oppress our nerves. It seems that Comrade Jiang Heng has withstood the test. He examines the eternal phenomenon of beautiful women with the artist's unique critical vision and makes a cultural orientation. Whether beautiful women are ignorant or opposed or protesting, we will be attracted by those plastic color blocks and attractive images, which arouse thinking in unusual vision - thinking about beautiful women and related new human culture.
Exhibition Records
Solo exhibition
Jiangheng Oil Painting Exhibition 2001 Guangdong Museum of Art, China
Jiangheng Oil Painting Art Exhibition Shanghai Stennie Art Space
Individual Invitation Exhibition of Young Artists Hong Kong Art Commune
Colour Symposium and Works Exhibition of Chinese Academies of Fine Arts 1994 Hangzhou, China
1996 "China Cartoon Generation Joint Exhibition" Exhibition Hall, Department of Fine Arts, Guangzhou South China Normal University
1998 "The Third Exhibition of Chinese Cartoon Generation" Exhibition Hall of Department of Fine Arts, Guangzhou South China Normal University
1999 "Chinese Contemporary Artists Academic Invitation Exhibition" CHINA46 Shanghai, Melbourne, Taipei (Taipei Huo Hall)
1999 "Popular Image of the 1990s" Shanghai International Art Exhibition Center, China
In 2000, he participated in the Guangdong Exhibition of the Later Generations and the New Century and was a member of the Organizing Committee of the Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, China.
2000 "Look Today--2000 New Chinese Art Landscape Picture Exhibition" Exhibition Hall of Department of Fine Arts, Guangzhou South China Normal University
2000 Sino-German Artists Exchange Exhibition Pen Group Gallery, Guangdong Museum of Art, China
2000 "Individuals and Society in Art - Exhibition of Eleven Young Artists'Works in China" Guangdong Museum of Art, China
2000 Padua China Contemporary Painting Exhibition 2000 Italian Padua Museum of Art
2000 Guangdong Oil Painting Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, China
2001 Jiangheng Sun Xiaofeng Oil Painting Art Exhibition, Guangdong Museum of Art, China
He Xiangning Art Museum of China, 2001 "Young People in Transition - Exchange Exhibition of Chinese, German and British Artists"
2001 "One Hundred Faces--Conceptual Photography Exhibition" Nanjing, Shanghai, China
2001 "Dialogue" Conflict and Inclusion - Contemporary Chinese Art Exhibition"Barry Art Museum, Mandova Youth Art Museum, Italy
The First Chengdu Biennale 2001 Chengdu Museum of Modern Art
2001 "The Sixth Documentation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art" Shanghai, Beijing, China
2001 New Generation Photography Exhibition Guangzhou Art Museum
2002 Chinese Contemporary Art Books and Documents Exhibition
2002 "Contemporary Chinese Painting Exhibition" Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province
2002 "Bridge" - Changchun Contemporary Art Annual Exhibition"Changchun Far East Art Museum
The Seventeenth Asian International Art Exhibition, 2002, Daejeon Art Museum, Korea
2002 New Urbanism Guangdong Art Museum
Jiang Heng's Works
2003 Guangdong Oil Painting Art Exhibition Guangzhou Art Museum
2003 "Hand in Hand with the New Century--The Third Oil Painting Exhibition of China" China Art Museum
2003 "About Turning" - Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Artists"Art Museum of Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts
The 18th Asian International Art Exhibition, Hong Kong Museum of Art, 2003
2003 "Man and Man: Works Exhibition of Guangdong Museum of Art". Changsha Museum, Hunan Province, Guangdong Museum of Art, China
2003 "Image in Image - Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting" Shenzhen Museum of Art, China
2003-2004 "Fantasy" - Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition of Chinese, German and Japanese Artists"Guangdong Museum of Art, Hong Kong Art Commune
Yang Zhiguang Art Museum, Contemporary Art Exhibition No Big or Small, 2004
Emotion 2004 Beijing 3/4 Gallery
Invited Artist Guangdong Museum of Art for "Open Posture--Guangdong New Youth Art Exhibition" in 2004
He Xiangning Art Museum, Guangdong Contemporary Art Ecology Documentation Exhibition and Reporting Conference, 2005
2005 Guangdong Art Exhibition on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic
2005 China Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Pingyao, Shanxi
2005 "The Second Guangzhou Triennial - Line 3 Painting Art Exhibition" Guangzhou Xinyi International Hall
2005 "Turning Hands Over for Clouds, Turning Hands Over for Rain: Contemporary Art Exhibition" Beijing TS1 (Songzhuangyi) Contemporary Art Center
The First Chinese Contemporary Art Yearbook Exhibition in 2006
2006 "Collection Exhibition of Nanjing Sifang Contemporary Art Museum" Nanjing Sifang Contemporary Art Museum
Jiang Heng's Fabric Oil Paint
2006 "Beyond Dimension" - New Chinese Painting". Nanjing Sifang Contemporary Art Museum
2006 "The First 5X7 Photo Biennale" - - 2006 Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Shanxi Pingyao
2006 "Guangzhou Landscape" - - 2006 Pingyao International Photography Exhibition, Shanxi Pingyao
Art Exchange Exhibition of China, Japan and Korea, Fukuoka Museum of Art, Japan, 2006
2006 "Variant Images" - Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting". Shanghai Museum of Art
2006 "Nomination Exhibition of Young and Middle-aged Artists of Guangdong Artists Association". Nanxing Pavilion, Guangdong
City State, Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art, Estonia Tallinn Museum of Art, 2006
2006 China Contemporary Art Documentation Exhibition Beijing China Century Altar __________ 2006
2007 "Drowning". Guangzhou Ruyi Gallery
2007 "Forward - the 2nd Guangdong New Youth Art Exhibition". Guangdong Museum of Art
2007 "22nd Asian International Art Exhibition". Indonesia
2007 China, Japan and Korea Artists Exchange Exhibition. Daegu Cultural Center, Korea, MORTER Gallery
2007 "Jasmine-15 Chinese Contemporary Artists Swiss Season First Exhibition". Swiss Season Gallery
2011 Chinese Art Artist Microblog Exhibition China Style Modern Art Museum
Publishing professional journals
History of Modern Chinese Art Series, History of New China Art, History of Modern Chinese Art Exhibition, Pioneer Art Today, Popular Culture and Contemporary Art, Art Circle, Artist, Art Circle, Urban Personality and Contemporary Art, Art Observation and Gallery "Individual and Society in Art--Works of Eleven Young Artists in China", "History of Contemporary Chinese Art Thoughts", "Chengdu Biennale", "Contemporary Oil Painting in Guangdong", "Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting", "First Contemporary Chinese Art Yearbook Exhibition", "Contemporary Chinese Oil Painting", "Chinese Pioneer Art 1979-2004" "History of Chinese Oil Painting 1900-2000", "Line 3", "First China Contemporary Art Yearbook Exhibition", "Art and Society-26 Critics Talking about the Direction of Chinese Contemporary Art", "Chinese Art", "Northern Art", "Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting 1979-2005", "Chinese Art Yearbook" and "Contemporary Art" Professional magazines and newspapers such as Zhiyin, Hong Kong Style, Huaxi, People's Daily, Yangcheng Evening News, Southern Metropolis Daily, Hong Kong Daily, City Pictorial, Weekend Pictorial, Guangdong and Hong Kong Information Daily, Guangzhou Daily, Southern Daily, China Daily, English Morning Post, Shanghai English Daily, FLASH ART, etc.