陈淳(1484-1543),长洲(今江苏苏州)人。字道复,后以字行,更字复甫,号白阳,又号白阳山人。 少年作画以元人为法,深受水墨写意的影响。他的写生画,一花半叶,淡墨欹毫,自有疏斜历乱之致。
中国美术网 09-05 浏览
陈淳,1483年生,1544年逝世(另一种说法是1482—1539),长洲(今江苏苏州)人。字道复,后以字行,更字复甫,号白阳,又号白阳山人。他的有些作品,所画质朴,可以看出受沈周画法的影响, 从他现存作品中即可见风格和用笔,既能放得开,又能收得住。在绘画史上,陈淳与徐渭并称为“白阳、青藤”, 陈淳的绘画当属文人隽雅一路的,即“白阳”一派画家。
陈淳少年作画以元人为法,深受水墨写意的影响。他的写生画,一花半叶,淡墨欹毫,自有疏斜历乱之致。他的有些作品,所画质朴,可以看出受沈周画法的影响, 从他现存作品中即可见风格和用笔,既能放得开,又能收得住。他能诗文,擅书法,尤精绘画。陈淳与徐渭并称白阳、青藤。陈氏少年作画工细,中年后笔法放纵,自立门户。陈淳从师文徵明,在其门下声誉最高。擅长写意花卉,其作品虽表现一花半叶,却淋漓疏爽,深受当时文人士大夫的赞赏;他是继沈周、唐寅之后对水墨写意花鸟画的发展作出了重要贡献的画家。
Chen Chun, born in 1483, died in 1544 (another argument is 1482-1539), Cheung Chau (now Jiangsu Suzhou) people. Word Road complex, after the word line, but the word Fu Fu, No. Baiyang, and the number of white mountain people. Some of his works, simple paintings, can be seen by Shen Zhou painting, from his existing works that can be seen in the style and pen, both put open, but also received live. In the history of painting, Chen Chun and Xu Wei and known as the "white sun, sinomenine", Chen Chun's painting is the literati Juan Ya all the way, the "white sun" school painter.
Chen Chun juvenile painting to Yuanren for the law, by the impact of ink impressionistic. His sketch painting, a flower and a half leaves, light ink cents cents, its own sparse oblique calendar due. Some of his works, simple paintings, can be seen by Shen Zhou painting, from his existing works that can be seen in the style and pen, both put open, but also received live. He can poetry, good calligraphy, especially fine painting. Chen Chun and Xu Wei and said Bai Yang, sinomenine. Chen's young painter, middle-aged after the pen indulgence, self-reliance portal. Chen Chun from the teacher Wen Zhengming, the highest reputation in its subglottic. He is a painter who has made important contributions to the development of ink and wash painting in ink painting after Shen Zhou and Tang Yin.