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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名俞剑华
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地山东 济南
  • 出生日期1895-06-19
  • 逝世日期1979-01-06
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,花鸟
  • 协会中国美术家协会

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


俞剑华 (1895—1979) 中国美术史家,中国画家。 原名俞琨,曾用名俞德,字剑华,以字行。1895年6月19日生于山东济南,1979年1月6日卒于江苏南京。1912年8月,入济南中学校(后称山东省立第一中学)学习,长于古汉语及中国画。1915年,题为《四十天》的暑期作品(包括图画、文章、日记等)参加山东教育展览会,得金牌奖。1915年9月考入北京高等师范手工图画专修科,从名画家陈师曾、李毅士学画。1918年毕业后,历任山东省立第一中学、山东省立第一师范、北京美术学校(1920年)、北京师范学校、 山东美术学校国画和国文教员,北京交通大学用器画讲师。其间数次在北京《晨报》副刊发表文章,尤以1921年游曲阜、泰山写生旅行记为佳,后在上海《时事新报》转载,为日本《中央美术》译载。1925年上海“五卅”惨案发生后,联合济南书画家举行书画展义卖,援助上海难胞。1927年9月,任上海爱国女子学校国文教员。1928年改任上海新华艺术专科学校教授兼教务长。同黄宾虹、熊松泉、陈刚叔、蔡逸民、 马企周、张大千等人组织烂漫画社,印烂漫画集。1929年初任新华艺大国画系主任。暑假随张大千游日本东京、大阪,并在大阪举办个人画展,1930年兼任上海美术专科学校教授。1931年,湖南、湖北发生水灾,连续三次举办个人画展,将义卖的全部收入赈灾。1938年任暨南大学文书兼任上海美术专科学校教授。1940年10月后任暨南大学教授、总务长。1946年9月被聘任吴淞商船专科学校教授。

Introduction to the artist

Yu Jianhua is good at the study of Chinese art history, especially in the history of painting. He is also good at landscape painting and has written a lot, mainly including the history of Chinese painting, calligraphy guide, the South and North School of Chinese landscape painting, Wang Fu, Chen Shizeng, etc., and compiles the Grand View of painting theory in the past, the Grand View of modern painting theory, the outline of Chinese literature, the compilation of Chinese traditional painting theory, Dunhuang art, Chinese mural, and the dictionary of Chinese artists' names 》He also annotated the famous paintings of all ages, pictures, Xuanhe painting manual, quotations of Shi Tao painting, etc. He published Yu Jianhua's paintings.


Yu Jianhua (1895-1979) is a Chinese art historian and painter The original name was Yu Kun, and the former name was Yu De, with the word Jianhua and the word line. He was born in Jinan, Shandong Province on June 19, 1895, and died in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province on January 6, 1979. In August 1912, he entered Jinan middle school (later known as Shandong No.1 Middle School) to study, and was good at ancient Chinese and Chinese painting. In 1915, the summer works entitled "forty days" (including pictures, articles, diaries, etc.) participated in Shandong Education Exhibition and won the gold medal. In September 1915, he was admitted to the special course of handmade drawing in Beijing Normal University, where he studied painting from famous painters Chen Shizeng and Li Yishi. After graduation in 1918, he successively served as the first middle school of Shandong Province, the first normal school of Shandong Province, the Beijing Art School (1920), the Beijing Normal School, the traditional Chinese painting and Chinese culture teacher of Shandong art school, and the lecturer of instrumental painting in Beijing Jiaotong University. During this period, he published several articles in the supplement of Beijing Morning Post, especially the travel notes of Qufu and Taishan in 1921. Later, he reprinted them in Shanghai current affairs news and translated them into Japanese Central Art. After the May 30 massacre in 1925 in Shanghai, Jinan calligraphers and painters jointly held a charity sale to help Shanghai's poor. In September 1927, he was a teacher of Chinese in Shanghai Patriotic women's school. In 1928, he was changed to Professor and Dean of Shanghai Xinhua art college. With Huang Binhong, Xiong Songquan, Chen Gangshu, Cai Yimin, Ma Qizhou, Zhang Daqian, etc., we organized the bad comics club and printed the bad comics collection. In 1929, he became the chairman of the Department of traditional Chinese painting of Xinhua Art University. During the summer vacation, he visited Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, and held a personal painting exhibition in Osaka. In 1930, he also served as a professor of Shanghai Academy of fine arts. In 1931, there was a flood in Hunan and Hubei Province. Three consecutive individual art exhibitions were held to relieve the disaster with all the proceeds from the charity sale. In 1938, he served as a professor of Shanghai Academy of fine arts as well as a writer of Jinan University. In October 1940, he became a professor and general manager of Jinan University. In September 1946, he was appointed professor of Wusong Merchant Shipping College.


After 1949, he served as Dean of Chengming college. In September 1951, he was appointed Vice President of Shanghai University. In September 1952, he was a professor and research group leader of East China Art College. In 1958, he was a professor of Nanjing Art College. In 1959, he became a professor of Nanjing Art College. He also served as a researcher of the National Art Research Institute of the Central Academy of fine arts, director of East China Artists Association, Jiangsu Branch of China Artists Association, member of Jiangsu CPPCC, etc.


He worked hard all his life and made great achievements in the study of the history of Chinese art and the heritage of Chinese painting theory. Before the founding of the people's Republic of China, the main published works were the history of Chinese painting, the latest pattern method, the three-dimensional pattern method and the calligraphy guide. After the founding of the people's Republic of China, he published works such as the compilation of Chinese painting theory, Chinese fresco, the South and North schools of Chinese landscape painting, research materials of Gu Kaizhi, the painter series Wang Fu, annotation of quotations of Shi Tao painting, annotation of Xuanhe painting manual, annotation of famous paintings of all ages, annotation of pictures, and the 2.8 million character masterpiece Dictionary of Chinese artists. And published a large number of art papers in the press. His works are in China


There is a certain influence outside. In 1977, Teng Guangyi translated it into Japanese and published it in London. Professor Watson also translated it into English and published it in London. His history of Chinese painting has become an important material for some countries in the world to study Chinese art. He is good at landscape painting,


Good at flowers and calligraphy. The landscape paintings created are vigorous, full-bodied, implicit and unique in style. In 1976, he presented more than 4700 books, picture albums, reference journals, manuscripts, etc. and a large number of traditional Chinese painting works to Nanjing Art College. He died on January 6, 1979.






    最近更新:2025-02-15 17:55:44
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