中国美术网 09-05 浏览
钱松岩自幼学习传统诗书画,30岁时即为国文、山水画教授,古代文学和传统中国画的功力极为深厚。钱松岩为中国画艺术事业作出了重要贡献,生前政府为其出版个人画集(辑)17集(辑),理论着作1集,拍摄专题纪录片3部。中国美术馆、人民大会堂、毛主席纪念堂、钓鱼台国宾馆均收藏或在显着位置陈列其作品。华国锋、胡耀邦、邓小平等国家领导人将其作品以国礼馈赠给法国总统、日本首相及著名的外国要人收藏。 钱松岩的作品,章法构图变化多端,色彩运用大胆独特,个人风格显着明了,堪称"承前启后,一代宗师"。
钱松岩先生近七十年的美术教育和国画创作生涯形成自己独特的艺术风格。浓厚的时代生活予以其作品无限生命力,堪称本世纪卓有成就的艺术大师。 钱公生于一八九九年九月十一日,江苏宜兴人。富饶的江南人杰地灵,钱公画风早年受石溪、石涛影响颇深。但他不拘限于形似,而强调骨法用笔,喜用雄浑古拙之“颤笔”,自诩为“浑厚沉着”。在运用色彩上更大胆突破、绚丽明艳、五彩斑斓、令人振奋,过目难以记怀。 钱公作画虽把“师古人”为基根,但更注意培养对事物观察和揣摩。五十年代,功力虽深的钱公仍未跳出石溪、石涛、沈周和唐寅的笔墨,文人画习尚浓。在六十岁后壮游祖国名山大川后锐意探索,创造出自己的艺术特色,巧妙把传统技法和现实生活相结合,激发出炽热的创作情怀,一批惊世骇俗之佳作跃然纸上,名震中外。 钱公的艺术成就,受益于满腔爱国热忱和深厚的文学底蕴。
其绘画艺术,具有浓烈的民族风格和深情的韵味。无论在立意、构图、笔墨、色彩、题句都匠心独具,不落俗套。这与画家的文学修养、书法功底有极大的渊源。 国画是一种综合艺术,笔墨浓淡变化、色彩交织融汇,线条纵横有序,书法抑扬力度,印章法度严谨,题句画龙点睛,裱工精细衬托构筑成中华民族五千年历史文化的博大精深。钱松岩先生皆十分考究,务求精益求精,治学严谨予人以不可磨来的印象。 人生有涯,世海无涯。钱松岩先生毕生业精于勤,书卷不释手,书法不离手,诗句常在口,丹青频出手。年至耋耄,勤奋之习未改,探索之心不息。并意重深长的教诲后人“人可老,画不可老,要日日新”。
如中国书画、油画、版画等,一跃成为拍卖市场的风向标,即使百万元的价格也是炙手可热。以革命圣地为创作题材的画作成为市场上的热门品种,金陵画派大家钱松岩便是其中一位。 钱松岩革命圣地作品感情内蕴、含蓄典雅而不外露,将爱革命圣地与对祖国的热爱赋予画作, 意境深沉而广阔。其作品具有深厚的笔墨语言功夫,驾驭题材的能力与现实希冀完美结合,使传统题画形式在新的画面中恰到好处,并精于诗书画印的组合。他常根据画幅大小,画下钤印反映时代精神和主流意识的“将革命进行到底”、“文艺为革命服务”、“祖国万岁”、“大好河山”等。
Qian Songyan was learning traditional poetry and painting, at the age of 30, as professor of Chinese landscape painting, ancient literature and traditional China painting skill extremely deep. Qian Songyan made an important contribution to the career of art Chinese painting, was published by the government for their personal collections (Series) Episode 17 (Series), a theory for 1 sets, 3 shooting feature documentary. Chinese Art Museum, Great Hall of the people, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Diaoyutai State Guest House are collections or display their works in a significant location. Hua Guofeng, Hu Yaobang, Deng Xiaoping and other leaders will work with the national ceremony gifts to the president of France, Japan's prime minister and the famous foreign dignitaries collection. The works of Qian Songyan, be the most changeful color composition, the use of bold unique personal style, marked and clear, which is called "the past, master".
Qian Songyan nearly seventy years of art education and Chinese painting career to form their own unique artistic style. Strong time life be the works of infinite vitality, is the successful art masters of the century. Qian Gong was born in September 11, 1899, Jiangsu, Yixing. The fertile Jiangnan outstanding people, deep public money style early Stone Creek, his influence. But he is not limited by the shape, and emphasize the bone pen, like to use the "unadorned forceful chatter pen", called "vigorous calm". A bold breakthrough in the use of color, bright and colorful, gorgeous look exciting, hard to forget. Although the public money to paint "the ancients" as the basic, but more attention to the cultivation of observing things and try to figure out. In 50s, although the depth of public money skill not get out of Stone Creek, Shi Tao, Shen Zhou and Tang painting, literati painting atmosphere thick. In exploring the motherland at the age of sixty after with well-known mountains and rivers, to create their own artistic characteristics, the traditional techniques and ingenious combination of real life, inspire the creation of hot feelings, a group of astonishing works on famous Chinese and foreign. The artistic achievements of Qian Gong benefit from patriotic enthusiasm and profound literature.
Its painting art, with strong national style and soulful charm. No matter in the conception, composition, ink and color, they are unique, conform to no conventional pattern. This and the painter's literary accomplishment, calligraphy has great origins. Chinese painting is a comprehensive art, ink color shade change, interweave together, and orderly lines, calligraphy iambic efforts to seal the testimonies of rigorous, touch, fine work to build a broad and profound background along the five thousand years of Chinese history culture. Mr. Qian Songyan is very sophisticated, and strive for excellence, rigorous scholarship to give indelible impression to the. Life is limited, the world is boundless. Mr. Qian Songyan's book does not move, Efficiency comes from diligence., calligraphy hands, verse in the mouth, Dan frequently shot. To die Mao, diligent learning not to change, to explore the heart of the rest. Heavy and Italy long "old teachings later, painting can not be old to the new".
Mr. Qian Songyan is a hard-working and brave to explore innovative life by people praise and recognition, is worthy of the young artist model.
Such as Chinese painting, painting, prints, etc., became the auction market vane, even if the price is one million yuan hot. The sacred place of the revolution theme for the creation of paintings became popular varieties on the market, we Jinling school Qian Songyan is one of them. Inside, Qian Songyan revolution works emotional subtle and elegant and not exposed to the sacred place of the revolution, and love for the country with deep and broad artistic paintings. His works have profound ink language Kung Fu, with reality theme and the perfect combination of control, make the traditional painting in the new form of just perfect picture, and in the combination of poetry and painting india. He often according to the frame size, painted seals reflect the spirit of the age and the mainstream consciousness of "revolution in the end" and "Literary Revolution" and "the motherland long live", "beautiful rivers and mountains of a country".
Before liberation, Qian Songyan in order to make a living, from around the number of primary and secondary schools to teach, sell paintings, but it is difficult to maintain a life. The painter witnessed the darkness of the Beiyang warlords, the Japanese imperialist atrocities, the Kuomintang corruption rule, some of his poems is the experience of memories. After the founding of new China, he created some outstanding revolutionary holy works, so his art has a distinct era brand.
Qian Songyan handed down the work of nearly 2000, of which the sacred place of the revolution theme of the famous "Garden Village", a "Yanan song", "Red Rock", "waterfall" and other Jinggangshan vertical shaft, lens, Hengpi, album, each fan mounting nearly three hundred or four hundred models. Although Qian Songyan is not a pioneer in the performance of the poetry and the holy land of the theme of the revolution, but the scope of his paintings wide, the number of more than other artists can not be compared to the. In particular, the great achievements of the revolutionary shrine theme works have been the most eye-catching. But in the art market, which works in the last century, the mid 80s only 1000 yuan per square foot, there is a very large gap with the value of works of art. In 1992 a Hongkong auction house auction "Qian Songyan" the beautiful rivers and mountains often in the spring (250 cm x 470 cm), turnover of HK $1 million 430 thousand for the whole boiling, after the works of Qian Songyan rose in the domestic market to open up the situation.
Plum is commonly used in the Acura theme celebrate, close beside the stone beside the plum branches and trunk twisted on the left, another strain of old Qian Songyan use this method with ease, xinshounianlai, an echo. The 1956 "Garden Village" (about 2.9 square feet) is a rare boutique, the original collection of Nanjing Plum Village Memorial hall. Held in Jiangsu in 2005 of the auction, after dozens of rounds of auction, the work by Hongkong buyers to 4 million yuan in the bag, reached 1 million 380 thousand yuan per square foot.
Qian Songyan in 1965 from Jiangxi, boarded the sacred place of the revolution in Jinggangshan, to pay tribute to Mao Zedong and other revolutionaries of the older generation home, back to Jinling after the creation of the "Jinggangshan song". In the former residence of Mao Zedong The red sun rises in sky., The rosy clouds are slowly rising. bathed in a large, bright red, meaning the cradle in the birth of the Republic of today's red river. Question: "Ode with spark, the tide of revolution, Kyushu times Ze soil, Zi Rong Hui Wan Fang", the original Guo Muxi reservoir. In 2002 the Sungari auction, which works to 60 thousand yuan turnover, only two years apart, in Shanghai Jiatai 2004 autumn auction, the turnover of 160 thousand yuan.
Qian Songyan in 1975 after the creation of the "Jinggangshan sea", the transaction price in the auction market in 1994 was 35 thousand yuan, Beijing Rong Bao 2005 spring auction, the painting to 570 thousand yuan turnover, 11 years added 540 thousand yuan.
Professionals believe that the price of works has gone up, the red memory has been awakened.