林平,福州人,1955年出生 字;平凡林家、号;双州也,近代译坛泰斗林纾后裔。自幼酷爱绘画,下过乡,从事过舞台美术、广告、建筑装饰设计艺术。八十年代中国美术家协会会员、88年油画《时代里程碑》入选建军六十周年美展,作品被国家军事博物馆永久收藏,89年例入《中国当代美术家人名录》高级工艺美术师、国家友好
画院特聘画家、人民艺术家协会理事。中国与海外书画研究院院士,北京宝延轩书画研究院常务院士。 凭借激情和创作理念,以山水风景画为主,灵动独特,创新环保,中西合壁,有很强的视觉冲击力和音乐旋律,属于后现代情感表现主义。积极参加公益慈善事业和艺术品慈善拍卖活动,曾多次参加全国各类书画大赛并获金银、优秀奖等,先后荣获中、日、韩文化交流使者及国际艺术家的荣誉称号。作品《山村红叶》镜心扇面入北京瀚海2013四季拍卖会当代专场圆满落槌。其个人作品分别被国内外主流艺术刊物《美术观察》、《东方书画人物》、《中国水墨画》、中国精品《当代国画艺术名家集》 08年画作入选“和谐中华·百年奥运”全国书画名家大展,其作品被北京奥组委永久收藏。2013年作品先后被《人民美术网》《中国美术家网》《光明日报》《中国新闻》《中央国家机关美术》《中国国际集邮网·中国邮票》《人民政协报》两会美丽中国特刊。等先后媒体网络报道并发表转载艺术作品。鉴于在书画上的成就,赢得了业界认可和好评,并荣获过“建国60周年中国信用建设特别贡献人物”称号。
Lin Ping, a native of Fuzhou, was born in 1955. He is an ordinary Lin family and a name. He is also a descendant of Lin Shu, a great translator in modern times. Since childhood, I have loved painting, traveled to the countryside, and engaged in stage art, advertising, architectural decoration and design art. In the 1980s, a member of the Chinese Artists Association and a 88-year oil painting "Milestone of the Times" were selected for the 60th anniversary art exhibition of the founding of the Army. The works were permanently collected by the National Military Museum. In 89, they were included in the "List of Contemporary Chinese Artists" as senior artists and artists, and the friendship of the country.
Painters specially appointed by the Academy and members of the People's Artists Association. Academician of China and Overseas Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Executive Academician of Beijing Baoyanxuan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. With passion and creative ideas, landscape painting is the main, flexible and unique, innovative and environmentally friendly, with strong visual impact and music melody. It belongs to post-modern emotional expressionism. Actively participated in charitable auctions for public welfare charities and works of art. He has participated in various national calligraphy and painting competitions for many times and won gold, silver and excellent prizes. He has won honorary titles of ambassadors for cultural exchanges between China, Japan and Korea and international artists. The Mirror Heart fan of the work "Red Leaf in Mountain Village" was successfully dropped into the contemporary special event of the 2013 Four Seasons Auction in Beijing. His personal works were selected by the mainstream domestic and foreign art publications "Art Observation", "Oriental Calligraphy and Painting Figures", "Chinese Ink Painting", "Contemporary Chinese Painting Art Masters Collection" in the 2008 National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition of "Harmonious China and Centennial Olympics", and his works were permanently collected by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games. In 2013, his works were published by People's Fine Arts Network, China Artists Network, Guangming Daily, China News, Art of Central Government Organs, China International Philatelic Network, China Stamp and People's Political Consultative Conference. We have published and reproduced works of art through the media network. In view of its achievements in painting and calligraphy, it has won recognition and praise from the industry and won the title of "Special Contributor to China's Credit Construction in the 60th Anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China".
The oil painting "Milestone of the Times" created in 1988 was collected by the National Military Museum. "Harmony" in 2008
Works included in primary and secondary school art textbooks
Works included in primary and secondary school art textbooks (2)
In the large-scale art exhibition to welcome the Olympic Games in China, the exhibited works were collected by the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Olympic Games. Many of Mr. Lin Ping's works have been reported in domestic newspapers and magazines. In 2009, the heavy-coloured traditional Chinese painting "Mountain Village Red Leaf" was published in "Art Observation". His representative works were also reported by "Guangming Daily" and "China News" respectively. In 2014, his main works were featured in the special issue of the closing of the two sessions of the People's Political Consultative Conference. He also received a special video interview with Xinhua Art Forum by Xinhua News Agency.
What is more surprising and proud is that his work Tianshui Pastoral Song was formally incorporated into the primary and secondary school art textbook in July 2014.