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  • 中文名覃志刚
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 祖籍壮族
  • 出生地广西柳城
  • 出生日期1953年5月
  • 职业全国政协委员会常务委员
  • 毕业院校中央党校

 1968.12——1970.09 江苏省高淳县插队。

1970.09——1978.05 南京钟山煤矿工人、技术员、团委书记、工区党支部书记、矿党委副书记。

1978.05——1983.01 共青团中央组织部干事、副处长。

1983.01——1984.07 共青团中央统战部副部长。

1984.07——1988.12 共青团中央常委、统战部部长、全国青联秘书(1982.05—1985.07 在北京广播电视大学中文专业学习)。

1988.12——1991.04 中共中央统战部三局副局长(正局级)(其间:1990.03—1990.07 在中央党校进修部学习)。

1991.04——1992.10 中共中央统战部办公厅副主任(正局级)。

1992.10——1998.09 中共中央统战部三局局长,中华海外联谊会秘书长(其间:1995.09—1996.07 在中央党校中青班学习;1995.09—1998.07 在中央党校哲学专业在职研究生班学习)。

1998.09——1998.11 中共中央统战部秘书长、三局局长。

1998.11——1998.12 中共中央统战部秘书长。

1998.12——2000.01 中共广西壮族自治区党委统战部部长、区政协常委。

2000.01——2001.08 中共广西壮族自治区政协副主席、区党委统战部部长。

2001.08——2001.10 中国文联党组副书记。

2001.10——2001.12 中国文联党组副书记、书记处书记。

2001.12—— 中国文联副主席、党组副书记、书记处书记。 








 二十多年前的团中央室友和老领导至今还提起覃志刚深夜摸黑进寝室和清晨光膀子(穿着汗背心)练字的情景…… 世事如烟、人生如梦,人生匆匆、书亦匆匆。他的字行笔很快,字与字之间不仅一气呵成,而且笔翻如飞,“行行皆相映带”,就像古人的“急就章”,虽然急,但急中有着从容和镇定,涉笔成趣,凋疏烂漫。可以说书法始终伴着他的人生一起成长。 有位哲人说过,成功与失败的分水岭就是四个字“我没时间”。对于时间,鲁迅说得好:“时间就像海绵里的水,要挤总是有的”。覃志刚的时间都是这样挤出来的。几十年来,不管多忙,不管多晚回到家,他总是要写上一阵子,只有当夜阑人静,完成了一天的工作,这时的他才会一身轻松,心情也变得非常宁静。他常常是一写就到深夜。中午,当别人都在午休时,他也用来写字了。他的时间都是这样“挖”出来的。也正像鲁迅说的,他把别人喝咖啡的时间都用来写作了。覃志刚是把别人休息的时间都用来写字了。那些浸透出墨香的作品都可以作为“梅花香自苦寒来”的佐证。 覃志刚把书画写到如此佳境,与他对待工作的态度有着密切的关系。覃志刚从23岁就在一个煤矿上当了党委副书记,可以说少年得志,但他一直是一个勤勉敬业的好干部。多年来,从地方到中央,从基层到机关,换了很多岗位,他总是本着那种最基本的信念,“做一颗革命的螺丝钉”,干一行、爱一行,钻研一行、专一行,组织上把他拧在哪里,他就在那里闪闪发光。组织安排他到文联,他就像回到了少年时的情趣和爱好的起点。要履行好联络、协调、服务的职能,就要和艺术家打成一片、说到一起,就要成为他们的一员。“内行人不能说外行话”,努力成为“行家里手”。于是他就重操“旧业”,研读理论,苦下笨功,很快成了书画家中的一员,与启功刘炳森沈鹏欧阳中石、张海、尉天池范曾韩美林王明明、宋雨桂何家英杨飞云、刘大为冯远王迎春杨力舟……都成了好友和忘年交。 书法最讲“人品高,师法古”。书法是一个人文化素质、道德修养、人生阅历的总和,所谓“字如其人”。覃志刚的丰富阅历,表现在他的书法上,就如杜甫诗中所说“健笔凌云意纵横”。他那挖过矿的双臂,有着足以“攥断管”的力量,每每下笔便是“腕力生风”、“力透纸背”;领导者的气质,又使他的字“笔如风雨气如虹”;人生的沉浮,使他的作品“起伏错落,浓淡相间”;多方的学养,又可以从他的字里行间流淌出“翰逸神飞之态”,有着“笔所未到气已吞”的气概……他是用心在写字,用情在挥洒,他不是把它作为一种附庸风雅的噱头,他师从古法,草书练自怀素,行书出于二王,风貌直追林散之大师不到处。所谓“学书必有法”。而在他的书法中又看不到力工斧凿的痕迹,有着他自己的志趣和风貌,所谓“成则无体”。虽然覃志刚在看待自己书法时很低调,经常说自己是“班门弄斧、当众献丑”。但是他毕竟不是一个普通的书法家,对他的评价显然不能像对待一个一般搞书法的人那样单纯。他为官清高,为人豁达,为书睿智。古人鉴书有语,大凡善书者,必定品位高,居官者更讲政绩名声,此一定后世贵重之。这就是为什么大家都在议论,当代书坛一定会留有他一席之地。


 在文艺圈里,人们都知道覃志刚是一个名人,一位在文艺界赫赫有名的文化官员。但或许有不少人还没发现,覃志刚还是一个很有成就的书法家。 从他书法的造诣和在书界的影响看,人们一定会把他认为是个“职业书法家”,是那种从小就临池习字,长大后整天躲在书斋画室挥毫创作的人。否则,字写不出如此境界。甚至大鉴定家史树青先生第一次看到覃志刚的字脱口而出“这是林散之的风貌”。其实不然,他是一个多年从事党的青年、统战和群众工作,公务繁忙的副部级干部。覃志刚现在是中国文联党组副书记、驻会副主席,主管文联的业务工作,在他的创意、策划和组织协调下,中国文联的一些活动让他搞得有声有色,比如在文艺界影响巨大的“德艺双馨”全国中青年艺术家表彰活动,“百花迎春—中国文学艺术界春节大联欢”,荟萃文艺精品的“百花”系列活动和以“中华情”为主题的海峡两岸四地文化交流系列活动(顺便说一句,中央电视台经常播放的“中华情”栏目的三个字就是他书写的),“同一个世界”—中国画家彩绘联合国大家庭艺术大展等等。每件事都要耗费他巨大心血。因此不少人纳闷,这样一个全身心扑在工作上的人怎么能成为一个书法家,而且是一个出色的书家? 古人论书讲:“笔墨之事,一曰天资笃,二曰学力深。”其实就是爱迪生说的那句话:天才加勤奋。覃志刚有什么样的天份呢,这还要从他的身世和经历说起。他祖籍广西,是一个文化歌舞之乡,出生在南京,又是六朝古都文人墨客荟集之地。上小学时即流露出写字画画的天赋和喜爱无线电的特长。那时常画《三国》、 《水浒》中的好汉和将军,不时受到老师“不认真作功课”的批评和“画得真像”的表扬。参加工作后在矿山又成为宣传能手,既能书标语、画版画,又能写文章。一直到后来,做团中央统战部部长、全国青联秘书长,当中央统战部秘书长,做广西政协副主席等,始终是笔墨不离身,书画不离手。正像《书谱》里说的,“心不厌精,手不忘熟”。书法,对于很多人需要耗尽毕生精力方可入径的事,覃志刚很快就进入了切点。可谁知在这成功的背后覃志刚所付出的多少艰辛,成就都是他从忙里偷出来的。


Introduction in English

 Personal Resume


1968.12-1970.09 Gaochun County of Jiangsu Province jumped the queue.


1970.09-1978.05 Workers, technicians, Secretary of the League Committee, Secretary of the Party branch of the working area and Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Mine in Zhongshan Coal Mine, Nanjing.


1978.05-1983.01 Officer and Deputy Director of the Organizational Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.


1983.01-1984.07 Vice-Minister of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League.


From July 1984 to December 1988, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, the Minister of the United Front Department and the Secretary of the National Youth Federation (1982.05-1985.07) studied Chinese at Beijing Radio and Television University.


1988.12-1991.04 Deputy Director of the Third Bureau of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (at the level of the main bureau) (during 1990.03-1990.07, he studied in the Advanced Education Department of the Central Party School).


1991.04-1992.10 Deputy Director of the General Office of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (at the Bureau level).


From October 1992 to September 1998, the director of the three bureaus of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Secretary-General of the Overseas Chinese Friendship Association (during which he studied in the Youth Class of the Central Party School from September 1995 to July 1996 and in the postgraduate class of philosophy major in the Central Party School from September 1995 to July 1998).


From September 1998 to November 1998, the Secretary-General of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the Director-General of the Third Bureau.


From November 1998 to December 1998, the Secretary-General of the United Front Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.


1998.12-2000.01 Minister of United Front Department and Standing Committee of CPPCC Regional Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.


2000.01-2001.08 Vice-Chairman of the Political Consultative Conference of the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of the Communist Party of China and Minister of the United Front Department of the District Party Committee.


From August 2001 to October 2001, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group of the Chinese Federation of Nations.


From October 2001 to December 2001, the deputy secretary and Secretary of the Secretariat of the CPC League of China.


2001.12 - Vice Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literature, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat.


Member of the Seventh, Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh National Political Consultative Conference.


Deputy Director of the 10th CPPCC National Committee on Education, Culture, Health and Sports.


The 11th CPPCC Standing Committee and Deputy Director of the CPPCC National Committee on Education, Culture and Health.


2011.11.24 Vice-Chairman of the Ninth National Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Secretary of the Secretariat of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art Circles.


In March 2013, he was elected as a standing member of the 12th CPPCC National Committee.

The Course of Success


Twenty years ago, the roommates and old leaders of the Central Committee of the League still mentioned the scene of Tan Zhigang's late-night darkness in his dormitory and his sunny arms (wearing a sweaty vest) practicing Chinese characters in the morning. Things are like smoke, life is like a dream, life is in a hurry, books are also in a hurry. His lines and strokes are very fast. His strokes and strokes are not only completed in one breath, but also flipped like flights. They all reflect each other. They are like the ancients'rush to write. Although they are urgent, they are calm and calm, interesting and decadent. It can be said that calligraphy has always grown up with his life. A philosopher once said that the watershed between success and failure is the four words "I don't have time". For time, Lu Xun said well: "Time is like water in a sponge, there is always squeezing." This is how Qian Zhigang's time is squeezed out. For decades, no matter how busy he is, no matter how late he comes home, he always has to write for a while. Only when the night is quiet and he finishes his day's work, will he be relaxed and his mood become very quiet. He often writes late into the night. At noon, when everyone else is taking a lunch break, he also uses it to write. His time is so "dug" out. Just as Lu Xun said, he spent the time of others drinking coffee on writing. He just spent the rest time of others writing. Those works soaked with ink fragrance can be used as evidence of "plum blossom fragrance comes from bitter cold". Tan Zhigang wrote about painting and calligraphy in such a good situation, which is closely related to his attitude towards work. Tan Zhigang was a deputy secretary of the Party Committee in a coal mine at the age of 23. He can be said to be a successful young man, but he has always been a diligent and dedicated cadre. Over the years, from the local to the central, from the grass-roots to the organs, he has changed many posts. He always adheres to the basic belief, "to be a revolutionary screw", to do one line, to love one line, to study one line, to specialize in one line, and where he is twisted in the organization, he shines there. Organizing and arranging him to Wenlian, he seems to have returned to the starting point of his childhood interests and hobbies. To perform the functions of liaison, coordination and service well, we must integrate ourselves with artists and become one of them. "Professionals can't speak jargon" and strive to become "experts". So he went back to his old career, studied theory, worked hard, and soon became a member of the painters and calligraphers, and Qigong, Liu Bingsen, Shen Peng, Ouyang Zhongshi, Zhang Hai, Wei Tianchi, Fan Zeng, Han Meilin, Wang Mingming, Song Yugui, He Jiaying, Yang Feiyun, Liu Dawei, Feng Yuan, Wang Yingchun, Yang Lizhou... They have become good friends and forgetful friends. Calligraphy emphasizes "high character, ancient learning". Calligraphy is the sum of a person's cultural quality, moral accomplishment and life experience, so-called "words are like people". Tan Zhigang's rich experience is reflected in his calligraphy, just as Du Fu said in his poems, "Strong brushwork, Ling Yunyi, vertical and horizontal". His mine-digging arms have enough power to "break the pipe". Every pen is "wrist force generates wind" and "force penetrates the back of paper"; the temperament of a leader makes his words "pen is like rain and wind like rainbow"; the ups and downs of life make his works "ups and downs, thick and weak alternately"; and many kinds of education can be derived from his works. Words between the lines flow out of the "Hanyi Shenfei state", with a "pen has never been breath has swallowed" spirit... He writes with his heart and his affection. He does not regard it as a kind of subordinate and elegant gimmick. He learns from ancient methods and cursive calligraphy to practice self-sufficiency. He walks out of two kings and pursues Lin Sanzhi's master directly. The so-called "there must be a way to learn a book". But in his calligraphy, there is no trace of hard work and axe chisel, and he has his own interest and style, so-called "Cheng Ze Wu Wei". Although Tan Zhigang is very low-key when he looks at his calligraphy, he often says that he is "making an axe in class and making a fool in public". But after all, he is not an ordinary calligrapher, and his evaluation can not be as simple as that of a general calligrapher. He is noble, open-minded and wise for books. Ancient scholars have a saying that those who are good at books must be of high taste, and those who are in office speak more about their political achievements and reputation, which will be of great value to future generations. That's why everybody is talking about it. Contemporary Book circles will certainly have a place for him.



In the literary and artistic circles, people all know that Tan Zhigang is a celebrity, a well-known cultural official in the literary and artistic circles. But maybe many people haven't found out that Tan Zhigang is still a very successful calligrapher. Judging from his calligraphy attainments and influence in the calligraphy circle, people will certainly regard him as a "professional calligrapher", a kind of person who learned Chinese characters from childhood and spent all day in the studio and studio of his study. Otherwise, words can not be written in such a state. Even Mr. Shi Shuqing, a great expert, blurted out "This is Lin Sanzhi's style" for the first time when he saw the words of Tan Zhigang. In fact, he is a deputy cadre who has been engaged in the youth, united front and mass work of the Party for many years and is busy with official duties. He is now vice secretary of the Party Group of the Chinese Federation of Nations and vice chairman of the parliament. He is in charge of the business of the Chinese Federation of Nations. Under his creativity, planning and organizational coordination, some activities of the Chinese Federation of Nations have made him very impressive, such as the nationwide commendation of young and middle-aged artists for their great influence in the literary and artistic circles, "Baihua Ying". Spring - Spring Festival Gala in Chinese Literature and Art Circles, Hundred Flowers Series of Literature and Art Exquisite Works and Cultural Exchange Series of Four Places across the Taiwan Strait with the theme of "Chinese Love" (incidentally, he wrote the three words of "Chinese Love" column which CCTV often broadcasts), "One World" Chinese painters paint the United Nations Family Art Exhibition and so on. Everything cost him a lot of effort. Therefore, many people wonder how such a dedicated worker can become a calligrapher and an excellent calligrapher. The ancients commented on the book: "The matter of pen and ink, one said talent, the other said deep learning." In fact, that's what Edison said: Genius and diligence. What kind of talent does Tan Zhigang have? It also starts from his life experience. His ancestral home in Guangxi, is a cultural song and dance town, was born in Nanjing, is also the place where the ancient capital of the Six Dynasties scholar Mohist gathered. When I was in elementary school, I showed my talent of writing and drawing and radio. At that time, the heroes and generals in Three Kingdoms and Water Margin were often painted, and they were criticized by teachers for not doing their homework seriously and praised for "drawing a true image". After taking part in the work, he became a master of propaganda in mines. He could not only write slogans, prints, but also write articles. Until then, he was the head of the United Front Department of the League Central Committee, the Secretary-General of the All-China Youth Federation, the Secretary-General of the Central United Front Department and the Vice-Chairman of the Guangxi Political Consultative Conference, and so on. As Shupu says, "The heart is not tired of being refined, the hand is not forgetful of being familiar". Calligraphy, for many people need to exhaust their life energy before they can enter the path of things, Tan Zhigang quickly entered the cut-off point. But who knows how much hardship Zhan Zhigang has paid behind this success and how much achievement he has stolen from his busy schedule?






    最近更新:2025-01-14 18:04:14
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