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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名苗再新
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍山东栖霞
  • 出生地栖霞县
  • 出生日期 1953年
  • 职业军事 武警文职军官艺术 画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校解放军艺术学院
  • 主要成就首届中国美术奖创作金奖
  • 代表作品《中国钓鱼岛》

中国美术网 09-18 浏览

苗再新 铁骨柔情绘人生-中国大师路

 苗再新,1953年生,山东栖霞人。作品多次参加国内外大展并多次获奖, 其中代表作品《雪狼突击队》获首届中国美术奖创作金奖暨第11届全国美展金奖,《热血男儿》获第九届全国美展银奖,《师生》获第八届全国美展唯一奖项--优秀作品奖,《天使在人间》获第二届全国中国画展银奖,《儿女英雄》获全国画院优秀作品展最佳作品奖、解放军新作品一等奖。



 1977年 《祝酒歌》参加文革后首次全国美展


1980年 《问客》获第二届全国青年美展三等奖

1985年 油画《共和国旗手》获全国“卫士之光”美展银奖


1991年 考入解放军艺术学院美术系

1992年 《十环》获全军美展三等奖

1993年 《中国蓝盔》获全国首届中国画大展佳作奖


1994年 《师生》在未设等级奖的第八届全国美展被评为优秀作品

1995年 《高原之花》获全国青年国画大展一等奖


1996年 《和平颂》获北京中国国际书画周金奖


1997年 《红贝雷》获首届中国人口文化奖金奖



1998年 《力的凝聚》获全军抗洪美展二等奖

1999年 《热血男儿》获第九届全国美展银奖

2000年 《热血男儿》获解放军新作品一等奖

2001年 参加军事美术代表团出访欧洲八国


2002年 获国家人事部当代中国画杰出人才奖

2003年 《天使在人间》获第二届全国中国画展银奖




2004年 《梦圆时刻》参加第十届全国美展





2005年 当选为中国书协第五届理事会理事


2006年 《阳光牧场》作为特邀作品参加首届中国写意画展










2007年 《雪域子民》、《心灵之光》等多件作品参加中国美术创作院首届院展





2008年 《彝乡朗日》《山路》等作品参加《彝乡风情》邀请展







2009年 《雪狼突击队》在第11届全国美展中获首届中国美术奖创作金奖









2010年 作品《中国钓鱼岛》和《金秋》参加中国艺术研究院中国画院第2届院展

《中国钓鱼岛》《人民日报﹑中国艺术报﹑中国书画报及手机报发表 ,中央民族大学教授刘秉江为《中国钓鱼岛》撰文《钓鱼岛,你永远和我们在一起》中央美院教授陈谋为《中国钓鱼岛》撰文《钓鱼岛,中华儿女的心之所系》, 北京大学历史系教授杨立文为《中国钓鱼岛》撰文,呼吁将《中国钓鱼岛》画作载入中小学教科书,北师大侍子卉等4名学生撰文,期盼将《中国钓鱼岛》画作及刘秉江教授的文章载入中小学教科书。《中国钓鱼岛》画作和三位教授及四名中学生的文章在发表,引起网民极大反响














2011年 6月被中国国家画院聘为研究员


历时200天创作的大型组画《民族之光》﹝共56幅,每个民族1幅,每幅尺幅为182x145cm﹞于6月2日全部完成,7月1 日在北京民族文化宫展出,全国人大常委会副委员长陈昌智,民建中央常务副主席马培华,中国文联副主席、中国美协主席刘大为, 中国文联副主席、中国美协副主席冯远,中国书协顾问欧阳中石等出席展览。中央电视台一套节目当天新闻联播、北京电视台一套节目北京新闻作了报道,中央电视台二套、北京电视台二套节目播出了专访。新华社发了新闻通稿,全国多家报刊转载,北京晚报、新京报、人民武警报等作了整版报道,人民网﹑新华网暨新浪﹑搜狐﹑网易腾讯等数百家网站发了展览消息和专访文章。

创作表现 在改革开放初期邓小平、习仲勋、杨尚昆共同研究设立特区问题的作品《宏图》,并在《人民日报》发表









2月 被中国版权保护中心评为2011年度十大中国著作权人

2月 清华美院苗再新写意人物画研修班开课

3月 担任第四届中国美协中国画艺委会委员


 《祝酒歌》、《老对手》、《问客》、《共和国旗手》、《红苹果》、《十环》、《中国蓝盔》、《雪域秘境》、《师生》 、《高原之花》、《和平颂》、《红贝雷》、《神秘的面纱》、《烛影摇红》、《力的凝聚》 、《热血男儿》、《天使在人间》、《欢乐凉山》 、《梦圆时刻》、《道与艺和》、《梅传东君信》、《儿女英雄》 、《阳光牧场》、《长征组画》、《河源人家》、《吉祥高原》、《摩登时代》、《老舍先生》、《丽人行》、《铁干虬枝傲霜雪》、《毛难妹子》 、《雪域子民》、《心灵之光》、《冰岛间歇喷泉》、《井冈山革命斗争》、《雪狼突击队》 、《彝乡朗日》、《山路》、《生死挺进》、《会师井冈》、《矿工》、《欢乐高原》、《危难时刻》、《天光》、《中国钓鱼岛》等。



 美术书法作品多次参加国内外大展并多次获奖,2009年《雪狼突击队》获第11届全国美展暨首届中国美术奖创作金奖,1999年《热血男儿》获第九届全国美展银奖及解放军文艺奖新作品一等奖;1994年《师生》获第八届全国美展大奖并参加2001年“百年中国画展”;1979年《问客》获第二届全国青年美展三等奖;1992年《十环》获全军美展三等奖;1993年《雪域秘境》获全国首届山水画展优秀作品奖;《中国蓝盔》获首届全国中国画展佳作奖;1995年《藏花》获全国青年中国画展一等奖;1997年《红贝雷》获中国人口文化奖一等奖;《力的凝聚》获全军抗洪美展银奖,被中国文联评为当代中国画坛百杰之一;2003年《天使在人间》获第二届全国中国画展银奖,《欢乐凉山》获中国美术金彩奖优秀作品奖;2004年《道与艺合》等作品获中国艺术研究院黄宾虹奖.同年获北京首届德艺双馨奖,2005年被中国美术馆、国家博物馆、中央电视台、荣宝斋、雅昌艺术网和《中华英才》杂志评为百名中华书画英才之一,《儿女英雄》获全国画院优秀作品展最佳作品奖、解放军新作品一等奖 .2007年《大将组画》(合作)分获纪念建军八十周年全国美展银奖。程2008年《生死挺进》入选北京国际双年展;《民族人物》与《云涌井冈》分被神舟六号和七号带入太空;《欢乐高原》参加“向祖国汇报·灵感高原”全国美展,《矿工》参加“民生.生民”现代中国水墨人物画学术邀请展。2010年创作《中国钓鱼岛》,2011年创作表现56个民族的大型组画“民族之光”并在民族文化宫展出。书法作品参加第四、五、六届全国书法展,曾获全国电视书法大赛铜奖、全军书法大赛银奖等。2011年名族之光大型画册隆重出版。




——邵大箴《 人民日报海外版 》

苗再新是当代中国画人物画领域一位有卓越成就的中年画家。他长成于改革开放新时期,不仅经过系统的美术教育,有扎实的造型技巧和训练有素的笔墨功力,而且以浓厚的兴趣广泛涉猎各个艺术门类。除主攻国画外,他对书法、水彩、水粉、油画和雕塑也有实践经验。在中西绘画比较中,使他更深刻认识和体会传统国画语言的特长和魅力,也促使他思考前辈画家们在中西合壁中进行的艰苦探索和取得的成就,以及在新的历史条件下可能拓展的空间。他深知,自己要在艺术上有所突破,必须开阔视野,从纵横两个方面研究国画人物画取得的成绩和存在的问题,从而正视困难,迎接挑战。在一篇《从艺心得》的小文中,他写道:“想中国画发展至 今,理论、样式与技法已相当成熟,再欲向前迈进一步何其难哉!然而发展亦属必然,故我辈尚须迎难而上,义不容辞。否则有何面目回望博大精深之传统,有何面目展望璀璨壮丽之未来呢?”。可贵的是,他有了这种文化自觉和自信之后,又十分清晰地认识到如何落实于行动,那就是“用心画画”。用不用心画画,实际上是当前国画界以至整个画界普遍存在的重要问题。绘画创新,不外乎是审美理念和技艺两个层面的问题。解决这两个问题的关键是艺术家须用心对待。用心思考方向,不是口头高喊口号;用心处理一个个绘画技艺问题,掌握扎实的手工技巧,并在技艺中体现自己的心智,不满足于纯粹技巧的展示。很显然,苗再新是一位方向坚定、审美理想清晰的实干家。


Introduction in English

 Miao Zaixin was born in 1953 in Qixia, Shandong Province. Director of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Chinese Painting Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the National Thematic Art Creation Project Expert Steering Committee of the Ministry of Culture, executive director of the Chinese Painting Society, researcher of the Chinese National Painting Academy, researcher of the Chinese Painting Academy of the Chinese Academy of Art Research, researcher of the Academy of Calligraphy and Painting of the Central Museum of Culture and History, and Academy of Arts, School of Art, Renmin University of China and Supervisor of Advanced Research Class of China National Academy of Painting, Librarian of Beijing Museum of Culture and History, Deputy Director of Beijing Artistic Association Chinese Painting Arts Committee and Vice Dean of Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy of Armed Police Forces.


Brief Introduction to Characters


Miao Zaixin was born in 1953 in Qixia, Shandong Province. His works have participated in many exhibitions at home and abroad and won many awards. Among them, the representative work "Snow Wolf Rangers" won the first Chinese Art Award and the 11th National Art Exhibition Gold Award, the "Warm-blooded Boy" won the 9th National Art Exhibition Silver Award, and the "Teachers and Students" won the only award of the 8th National Art Exhibition - Excellent Works Award, Angels in the World. He won the silver prize of the 2nd National Chinese Painting Exhibition, the best work prize of the National Painting Academy and the first prize of the PLA's new works.

Art chronology


1977 "Toast Song" participated in the first national art exhibition after the Cultural Revolution


"Old Opponents" at the Army-wide American Exhibition


In 1980, Inquirer won the third prize of the 2nd National Youth Art Exhibition


In 1985, the oil painting "The Flag-bearer of the Republic" won the silver prize of the National "Light of Guards" Art Exhibition.


The oil painting Red Apple is collected by the Chinese Art Museum


In 1991, he was admitted to the Department of Fine Arts of PLA Academy of Art.


In 1992 "Ten Rings" won the third prize of the Army Art Exhibition


In 1993, "Blue Helmets of China" won the National First Chinese Painting Exhibition Award for Excellent Works


"Secret Land of Snow" won the National First Landscape Painting Exhibition Excellent Works Award


In 1994, Teachers and Students was awarded Excellent Works at the Eighth National Art Exhibition without Grade Award.


In 1995, "Flowers of the Plateau" won the first prize of the National Youth Chinese Painting Exhibition.


Participation in Chinese Painter Delegation's Visit to Vietnam


In 1996, Ode to Peace was awarded the Golden Prize of Beijing China International Calligraphy and Painting Week.


Delegation to Hong Kong and Macao to participate in cultural exchanges


Red Berry won the first Chinese Population Culture Award in 1997


His work The Mysterious veil has been rated as one of the greatest masters in contemporary Chinese painting.


Candle Shadow Shakes Red Participates in Chinese Art Exhibition


In 1998, "Cohesion of Forces" won the second prize of the Army's Anti-flood Art Exhibition


"Warm-blooded Boys" won the Silver Award of the Ninth National Art Exhibition in 1999


"Warm-blooded Boys" won the first prize of PLA's new works in 2000


2001 Visit to Eight European Countries by Military Art Delegation


"Teachers and Students" in the "Centennial Chinese Painting Exhibition"


In 2002, he was awarded the Outstanding Talent Award of Contemporary Chinese Painting by the Ministry of Personnel


Angels in the World won the silver prize of the 2nd National Chinese Painting Exhibition in 2003


"Happy Liangshan" won the Golden Glory Award for Excellent Works of Chinese Fine Arts


Appointment of Senior Military Titles Judges


Elected to the Board of Directors of Beijing Association of Fine Arts


2004 "Dream Hour" participated in the 10th National Art Exhibition


"Tao and Yihe" and other works won the Huang Binhong Academic Award of the Chinese Academy of Art


Creating "Mei Chuan Dong Junxin" for the Great Hall of the People


Winning the first Beijing Literature and Art Award of "De Yi Shuangxin" (two in art circles)


He was employed as a creative researcher by the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts, China Academy of Arts.

In 2005, he was elected member of the Fifth Council of the Chinese Academy of Letters


Heroes of Children participated in the art exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. The 3rd National Painting Academy Exhibition of the Ministry of Culture won the Best Works Award and the first prize of the new works of the PLA.


In 2006, "Sunshine Ranch" participated in the First Chinese Freehand Brushwork Exhibition as a special work


Invited to create "Long March Paintings" (5 pieces) to participate in the exhibition "Great feat and glorious journey" to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army Long March, and was collected by the Military Museum.


Five works, such as Heyuan Family, participated in the Nomination Exhibition of Chinese art publishing circles in "Righteous Age and Flourishing Age China"


"Auspicious Plateau" participated in the exhibition of 100 contemporary painting and calligraphy elites jointly organized by the Chinese Art Museum, the National Museum and CCTV, and was named one of the 100 contemporary painting and calligraphy elites.


Modern Times participated in the Contemporary Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition of China Artistic Association


Mr. Lao She participated in Beijing Charm Art Exhibition and was collected by Beijing Painting Academy.


As a member of the delegation of the Association of Foreign Friends to Paris to participate in Sino-French cultural exchanges


Invited to Create "Beauty Walk" for the Shanghai Cooperation Organization


Invited to create a large-scale work "Tie Gan Qi Zhi Ao Frost and Snow" for the Central Beidaihe Convention Center


Mao Nanzi was taken into space by Shenzhou VI and exhibited in the National Museum.


In 2007, many works such as "People in the Snow Region" and "Light of the Mind" participated in the First Academy Exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts Creation.


Icelandic Geyser participated in the "One World" Art Exhibition, and went to Mexico for the first exhibition of the World Tour Exhibition.


Jinggangshan Revolutionary Struggle (in cooperation with Liu Dawei) was selected as a major national historical theme creation project.


"Snow Wolf Rangers" won the silver prize of the Army Art Exhibition and participated in the "Army Soul Art Documentation Exhibition"


Participation in Military Art Delegation Visits to Italy, Egypt and Tanzania


In 2008, works such as Longri of Yi Township and Shanlu participated in the Invitation Exhibition of Yi Township Style


Participation in the Chinese Painter Delegation's Visit to Thailand


Participation in Military Art Delegation's Visit to Russia


"Advancing Life and Death" in Beijing International Biennale


As Deputy Director of Beijing Artistic Association Chinese Painting Arts Committee


Member of the Arts Committee of the Academy of Fine Arts and Calligraphy of the PLA


Participated in the Seventh National Congress of the Chinese Artists Association and was elected to the Board of Directors of the Chinese Artists Association


In 2009, Snow Wolf Rangers won the first Gold Prize of Chinese Art Award in the 11th National Art Exhibition.


Cooperate with Liu Dawei to complete the National Major Historical Subject Creation Works Jinggang, and exhibit it in the Chinese Art Museum


Miner participated in the "People's Livelihood and People's Livelihood" Academic Invitation Exhibition of Modern Chinese Ink Figure Painting


"Happy Plateau" participated in the National Art Exhibition "Reporting to Motherland and Inspiring Plateau"


"Time of Crisis" in the Art Exhibition of the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China


"Advancing Life and Death" was awarded the Best Literary and Art Works Award for celebrating the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China in Beijing


Four works such as Tianguang participated in the Academic Nomination Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting


June Attended a delegation of mainland artists to visit Taiwan


September to attend the press conference and opening ceremony of the Army Art Delegation to Hong Kong and Macao


2010 works "Diaoyu Island of China" and "Golden Autumn" participated in the 2nd Academy Exhibition of Chinese Painting Academy of China Academy of Arts

China Diaoyu Island, People's Daily, China Art Daily, Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Daily and Mobile Phone Daily were published. Professor Liu Bingjiang of Central University for Nationalities wrote Diaoyu Island, You'll Always Be with Us. Professor Chen Mou of Central Academy of Fine Arts wrote Diaoyu Island, the Heart of Chinese Children and Daughters. Yang Liwen, Professor of History Department of Peking University, wrote an article for Diaoyu Island in China. He called for the painting of Diaoyu Island in China to be included in textbooks of primary and secondary schools, and four students such as waiters and plants of Peking Normal University to write articles. He hoped that the painting of Diaoyu Island in China and the article of Professor Liu Bingjiang would be included in textbooks of primary and secondary schools. Paintings of Diaoyu Island in China and articles by three professors and four middle school students have been published, which has aroused great repercussions among netizens.


Participating in the Chinese Art Delegation to Japan, attending the opening ceremony of selected works of the 11th National Art Exhibition, and visiting Japan


Participation in the Chinese Artistic Association Sketch Group to Gansu sketch for 10 days


Participation in the Chinese Artistic Association sketch group to Xinjiang sketch for 10 days


"Old Tajik" and other three works participated in the "Sunshine Xinjiang" sketch exhibition of China Artistic Association


Leading the cadets of the Armed Police Art Class to Guizhou for 10 days


Joint exhibition with Liu Dawei and Li Xiang in Ningbo Museum of Art with 10 works


Joint exhibition with Ma Yuan and Xia He-sheng was held in Zhuhai Art Museum with 15 works.


Beginning to create a large-scale group painting of "Light of the Nation"


Top Ten Persons of the Year 2010 by China Painting and Calligraphy Daily


It has been rated as 12 Jinding with the most academic value and appreciation potential in 2010 by "Chinese Famous Artists" and "Chinese Great Calligraphers".


Five works such as Tianguang participated in the national tour exhibition of famous Chinese painters


Eleven works such as "Plateau Red" participated in the 6-person exhibition of military painters


Donation of 4 works and 50,000 yuan in cash for Yushu Earthquake


In June 2011, he was employed as a researcher by China National Academy of Painting


In July, he was the executive director of the Chinese Painting Society, a newly established academic institution under the Ministry of Culture of China.


The 200-day-old large-scale group painting "Light of the Nation" was completed on June 2, and exhibited at the National Cultural Palace in Beijing on July 1. Chen Changzhi, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, Ma Peihua, Vice Chairman of the Central Committee for Civil Construction, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Federation and China Association of Arts Chairman Liu Dawei, Vice-Chairman of the Chinese Federation of Literature, Vice-Chairman Feng Yuan of the Chinese Association of Arts, and Consultant Ouyang Zhongshi of the Chinese Association of Books attended the exhibition. CCTV news broadcasts a set of programs on the same day, Beijing News reports a set of programs on Beijing TV, and two sets of programs on CCTV and Beijing TV broadcast special interviews. Xinhua News Agency issued news bulletins, many newspapers and periodicals throughout the country were reproduced. Beijing Evening News, Beijing News and People's Wu Warning made full-page reports. Hundreds of websites, such as People's Net, Xinhua Net and Sina, Sohu and Netease Tencent, sent exhibition news and interview articles.

His creation is manifested in Deng Xiaoping, Xi Zhongxun and Yang Shangkun's work "Great Plan" on the joint study of the establishment of special economic zones in the early stage of reform and opening up, which was published in People's Daily.


"Plateau Red" participated in the National Art Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Association of Arts in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet


Six works such as Mountain Wind participated in the Art Exhibition of Weifang International Kite Festival


Four works such as Pamir Sunshine participated in the German Exhibition of China Friends'Union Academy of Painting


"Shaolin, Shaolin" and other five works participated in the exhibition of famous Shandong artists'works held by Qilu Evening News in Jinan


"Plateau Snow" and other three works participated in the exhibition of works of famous Chinese figure painters held by Qilu Evening News in Jinan and cut ribbons for the opening of the exhibition.


August as the judge of the 4th National Youth Art Exhibition of Chinese Painting


September as Judge of the "Jinling Baijia" Chinese Painting Exhibition




China Copyright Protection Center in February as the Top Ten Chinese Copyright Owners in 2011


In February, Miao Zaixin Freehand Figure Painting Seminar of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts opened


March as a member of the 4th China Artistic Association Chinese Painting Arts Committee






    最近更新:2025-02-10 19:29:49
人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对