Town of native place Guizhou is remote.
Was graduated from Guiyang 1976 24 middle schools, enrollment of of the same age is repaired to steam of mechanism of Kunming military region even.
Retired from army 1981 cure of Guizhou Guizhou southeast only (show Guizhou Carey professional institute) the Dean's office works.
Was graduated from great skill of Hua Dong division to fasten 1986, teachers training school of Guizhou Guizhou southeast (show Guizhou Carey institute) art faculty teachs.
Took an examination of class of course of graduate student of canvas of academy of fine arts of southwest Normal University 1991.
Moved teachers training school of Guangxi admire state 1993 (show institute of Guangxi admire state) , holding the post of art to fasten is a director.
Transferred into 1995 Zhongshan normal school.
To Guangxi county of 100 kinds of Xi Lin was raised 2006 religion (the Xilinzhong that hang duty learns vice-president) .
Transferred into 2007 institute of Zhongshan profession technology.
Save aquarelle art for Chinese artist academician, Guangdong now chairman of institute of aquarelle of council director, Zhongshan, medium Shandong area is beautiful assist associate professor of college of technology of profession of chairman, Zhongshan.
Artistic experience:
2002 watercolour " wind comes a faint fragrance goes " obtain Guangdong to save award of copper of art exhibition of the 2nd watercolour.
2003 watercolour " breath " drawing from nature of scenery of selected whole nation is exhibited.
2004 watercolour " a year old of one withered flourish " obtain Guangdong to save gold prize of art exhibition of the 3rd watercolour, obtain Guangdong province to found a state 55 years art exhibits outstanding award greatly, of the same age is selected beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited, the award that obtain copper, guangdong of be classified of of the same age is beautiful assist collect of nomination of 50 years of classic work, work is collected at Chinese art gallery.
May 2005 " a year old of one withered flourish " attend to be sponsorred by Chinese artist association " itinerate of Europe of work of Chinese contemporary art, beautiful, Asia-Pacific is exhibited.
The organization engineered Zhongshan city in October 2005 " bed art exhibition of watercolour of a Zhongshan "
2005 watercolour " unreal is green " obtain Guangdong to save aquarelle member to exhibit first prize.
2006 watercolour " morning music " selected Guangdong art is exhibited 50 years greatly.
2007 watercolour " sunshine as before " obtain Guangdong to save silver-colored award of art exhibition of the 4th watercolour, pink, of the same age is selected art exhibition of the 8th watercolour of countrywide, pink.
2007 lacquer painting " highland is red " art exhibition of the 2nd lacquer of selected whole nation.
Answered in September 2007 Chinese artist association and center of American Nanhai art invite the United States to hold art exhibition to keep abreast of an art communication.
The organization was engineered in December 2008, attend to save Wenlian of city of artist association, Zhongshan to be sponsorred jointly by committee of art of aquarelle of Chinese artist association, Guangdong, zhongshan and promote furniture factory to undertake, institute of Zhongshan profession technology assist do " in all casting is brilliant -- a person of academic or artistic distinction of contemporary aquarelle of a China invites bed exhibit "
The organization engineered Zhongshan city in December 2008 " bed art exhibition of 2 Zhongshan watercolour "
2009 watercolour " years is cantabile " selected Guangdong province founds a state 60 years art is exhibited greatly, of the same age is selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited.
January 2010 organization, plan by Chinese beauty assist sponsor " Yang Changhuai landscape painting is exhibited " .
March 2010 work " far hill " , " years is cantabile " , " fishing home " , " wintry day " wait for 4 work to attend Chinese aquarelle art appoint house of art of South America of meeting, Guangzhou beautiful courtyard, mountain sponsors jointly " surmount with inheritance - Chinese watercolour, pink.
Sufferred in March 2010 hire for Guizhou Carey visiting professor of academic art college.
In April 2010 " the cloud horizon " selected China first " Shanghai international watercolour double year exhibit " .
In August 2010 " far hill " 5 Guangdong aquarelle exhibits selected bed.
In October 2010 " unforgettable fall " aquarelle of 9 whole nations exhibits selected bed.
In October 2010 " breath " , " wintry day " attend " couplet exhibits watercolour painting of Hong Kong Zhongshan "
The organization was engineered in July 2011 and attend " Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Zhuhai " aquarelle couplet is exhibited
Organized a plan to save municipal Party committee of artist association, Zhongshan to publicize a combination to sponsor by committee of art of aquarelle of Chinese artist association, Guangdong in December 2011, couplet of Zhongshan city article, Zhongshan and promote furniture factory to undertake, institute of Zhongshan profession technology assist the bed that do 2 " in all casting is brilliant -- a person of academic or artistic distinction of Chinese contemporary aquarelle invites exhibit " .
Organized a plan to publish city of bureau, Zhongshan to teach Wenlian of city of bureau, Zhongshan to be sponsorred jointly by news of broadcasting television of Zhongshan city culture in December 2011, institute of Zhongshan profession technology, Zhongshan and promote furniture factory, Zhongshan beauty assist undertake " bed 3 Zhongshan.
The organization was engineered in Feburary 2012 by Chinese artist association, zhongshan municipal Party committee publicizes a combination to sponsor, couplet of Zhongshan city article, Zhongshan and promote furniture factory to undertake, institute of Zhongshan profession technology assist do " work of Yang Changhuai atelier exhibits national imperial art academy " .
Constituent plan saved article couplet, beauty by Heibei in March 2012 assist, department of propaganda of Zhongshan municipal Party committee is sponsorred, zhongshan and promote furniture factory to undertake, institute of Zhongshan profession technology assist do " Yan Zhaofeng " art work is exhibited.
Come for years, work is reached by Chinese art gallery domestic and international each large art gallery, government sector, enterprise, private close finish.