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古典主义(法语:Le Classicisme 英语:Western classical),在艺术上主要是指对包含希腊及古罗马的古典时代文化的高度认同。古典主义将古典时代的品味作为标准,并试图模仿其风格。古典主义形成和繁荣于法国,随后扩展到欧洲其他国家,是启蒙时代、理性时代以及部分现代主义思想所提倡的概念。

  • 中文名古典主义
  • 外文名Western classical
  • 起源17世纪初
  • 领域音乐、文学 、绘画、建筑

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古典主义文学的读者和观众限于朝廷和城市。“朝廷”是指国君与封建贵族,“城市”是指资产阶级上层。据文献资料统计,上述两方面的人士,在路易十四朝时期,总共不过 3,000多人,其中关心文学艺术的人当然更少一些。所以17世纪法国古典主义文学的读者与观众的范围是非常狭窄的,然而它对法国文学的影响十分深远。直到今天,古典主义仍被认为是法国文学史上的正宗,这个传统概念,几百年来基本上没有改变。

English Introduction

A literary trend in Western Europe, especially France, that was popular in the seventeenth Century. Because it takes the ancient Greece and Rome literature as the model in the theory of literature and art and the practice of creation, it is called "classicism"".
In France, from the beginning of the seventeenth Century to 1660 or so, is the classical gradually formed stage, mainly for the language of classical literature in the setting and various literary genres established, classical has popular in Europe for more than 200 years, can be said that many countries in different degrees and at the same time, generation of sense, have them the classical literature. In the late seventeenth Century, England formed a classical school, but it was not developed until the early eighteenth Century. In the first half of the eighteenth Century, in the first half of the 20th century.
From the literary and artistic trend of thought, classicism is a kind of literary and artistic thought, which was founded in the seventeenth Century, when the nation-state began to be established and the capitalism developed gradually. France in seventeenth Century to develop the most complete, but also in the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia, in Europe had a dominant position. It is because of the learning of ancient times, advocating ancient imitation of ancient, ancient Greece, Rome literature as a model named. From the perspective of political and social causes, the classical period of development is a product of commercial capital, the mercantilist policy basis. It is subject to the absolute monarchical rule is reflected in the literature on absolute monarchical politics, is also the time of the bourgeoisie in the politics of the feudal monarchy of temporary accommodation, a compromise the.
In seventeenth Century France, is the monarchy's heyday, bourgeois political revolution, the conditions are not yet ripe. This is the French king Louis thirteen (1610--1643) and (1638--1715) came to power in the era of highly developed commercial capital of France, the currency has become the main wealth of the nation. On behalf of the big bourgeoisie and the new aristocracy of the king, in order to carry out the mercantilist policies, the development of foreign trade, must seize power from the Pope and the old aristocracy centralized control of the local aristocracy, suppress separatist activities, open sources, to encourage overseas colonial expansion, which is the origin of centralized monarchy. At the time of the bourgeoisie in the rising period, two due to insufficient strength to grow, not developed enough to overthrow the feudal rule, seize power point, need to attach to the development of capitalist monarchy. On the other hand, they can not be reconciled to the dominance of politics, calling for a revolution in thought, to limit the crown's request. Therefore, the bourgeoisie and the feudal aristocracy between the temporary formation of mutual restraint, mutual struggle situation. As Marx pointed out; "autocratic monarchy in a transitional period, when the old feudal hierarchy tends to decline, the medieval burgesses are forming the modern bourgeoisie, the struggle of any party has yet to overwhelm the other party. "At that time, the monarchy became" between the two classes on the surface of the mediator".

English Introduction

From seventeenth Century to nineteenth Century, a cultural trend of thought and art trend in European countries. It originated in France in seventeenth Century, there are three different artistic tendencies. First, the ancient Greek and Rome classical works of art style of nostalgia and imitation of the wind, represented by Poussin's eternal and natural reason for the classical. In a narrow sense, the actual end of 18 to early nineteenth Century, the rise of nostalgic style during the French Revolution to Kazakhstan as the second tendencies, as the representative to davitt preaching revolution and the struggle spirit of classicism, or become a new classicism. The three is the pursuit of the perfect form and the classical style of the college classicism represented by Angell.
As a kind of classical art, it is the aesthetic principles and norms of ancient art ideal to express the reality of moral concept, contemporary themes with typical historical events, that is using the. The spirit of classical paintings as the connotation, promote the lofty theme of elegant, stately simple form, emphasizing the rational and emotional neglect, sketch and strict appearance, color and brush strokes to belittle the performance, the pursuit of a balanced composition and complete, to produce an ancient solemn and austere beauty. In the technique, classical painting emphasizes precise drawing technique and soft subtle tonal, and focus on the image showing a sculptural and concise summary, the pursuit of a grand composition and solemn style, style.
The reader and audience of classical literature is limited to the court and the city. "The court" refers to the monarch and the feudal aristocracy, "city" refers to the upper bourgeoisie. According to statistics, the above two aspects of the people, in the Louis Xiv era, a total of only more than 3 thousand people, of course, who cares about literature and art, of course, some less. Therefore, the scope of the French classical literature in seventeenth Century is very narrow, but it has a profound influence on French literature. To this day, classicism is still regarded as the orthodox history of French literature.
Classicism has been popular in Europe for more than 200 years, it can be said that many countries in different times, different degrees and significance, have their classical literary period. In the late seventeenth Century, England formed a classical school, but it was not developed until the early eighteenth Century. In the first half of the eighteenth Century, in the first half of the 20th century.






    最近更新:2025-02-13 10:47:54
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