卢卡斯·莱顿(1494 - 1533年8月8日),也叫卢卡斯Hugensz或卢卡斯Jacobsz,荷兰是一个雕刻师和画家。卢卡斯·莱顿是最早荷兰风俗画的拥护者和通常被认为是一个雕刻师完成。
卢卡斯是Huygh Jacobsz的儿子。他出生,死亡,和主要活跃在 莱顿 。
耶利哥城的盲人愈合 ,三联 转移到单一的帆布 ,1531卡勒尔·范·曼德尔 正是卢卡斯作为一个不知疲倦的艺术家,他作为一个孩子,惹恼了他的母亲入夜后长时间工作,她禁止不仅为烛光的成本,还因为她觉得太多的学习不利于他的情感。Van Mander认为,作为一个男孩,他只结交其他年轻的艺术家,如画家、玻璃蚀刻和金饰,和所付出的 该车lochorst (莱顿,谁死在1510 Johan van Lockhorst)为水彩画他每个12岁金弗罗林 圣休伯特 。开始工作在年轻的时候,他留下了大量作品,在他相当早已经死亡,而且必须是一个惊人的工人。
波提乏之妻 显示约瑟夫的服装1514卢卡斯进入 画家行会 在莱顿。他似乎有了一定的量,和访问记录 安特卫普 1521、年 丢勒 的国外旅行,并 米德尔堡 1527,当他遇到 扬·马比斯 。一个完整的旧版画系列可以跟随他作为一个印刷商生涯,至今他的许多画。DüRER是对他最大的影响,但卢卡斯在他的方法知识少,倾向于集中在主体有特点,喜欢漫画
失去了工作,后卢卡斯·凡·莱登 罗得和他的女儿在基本的绘画技巧,van Leyden是他父亲的学生,从他们手中没有作品被, 和 Cornelis Engelbrechtsz ,但他早熟的独创性是最重要的。在那里他学会了雕刻是未知的,但他利用工作 raimondi马克安东尼 ,其图案是重新在卢卡斯的雕刻和绘画,并成为高度熟练的艺术在很早的年龄:已知最早的印刷由他( 穆罕默德被谋杀的和尚 )始于1508,当他也许只有14,但没有发现在灵感或技术不成熟的痕迹。
十七画是由卢卡斯生存,另外二十七是已知的描述 卡勒尔·范·曼德尔 从当代的副本或图纸,他们由Jan de Bisschop在以后的第十七个世纪。最大friedländer 看到没有明确的文体发展的格局,在很大程度上是因为卢卡斯的作品是肿胀模糊的属性因为发现不可持续。在他的艺术发展的四大阶段的特征是Elise Lawton Smith为他的早期半长的数字( C 1506年-),the development of his 1512 风景 ( C 1512—1520),影响的paintings安特卫普( C 1521-25)和晚期的作品( CA 1525-1531),其中多个数字都部署了对森林景观,在 耶利哥城的盲人愈合 ( 插图 )。卢卡斯在他的时代享有盛名,和 瓦萨里 (谁叫他Lucas van Hollandt)甚至认为他以上ü粗面内质网。他被公认为历史上最伟大的人物之一 图形艺术 ,因为他 版画 和 木刻 以及版画,是一位多产的 制图员 。他作为一个画家不升高的状态,但他无疑是他那个时代的杰出的尼德兰画家。他是一位荷兰传统风格的先驱,他 国际象棋棋手 ( 画廊,柏林 )-这实际上代表一个变种游戏叫“快递和他的 球员卡 ( 国家艺廊 , 华盛顿 ),而他的庆祝 三联画 的 最后的审判 对1526-27( 雷肯霍尔博物馆 1526–27,苦难 插图 )显示高度,他可以上升为一个 宗教 画家.这充分显示了生动的想象力,他奇妙的作为调色技巧和他的灵巧和流动的笔触。
Lucas is the son of Huygh Jacobsz. He was born, died, and active mainly in Leiden.
The city's blind brother triple healing, onto a single canvas, 1531 Karel Van Mandel is Lucas as a tireless artist, he as a child, long time working at night his mother annoyed, she forbids not only for the cost of the candle, but also because she felt too much learning is not conducive to his feelings. Van Mander believes that as a boy, he only with other young artists, such as painter, glass etching and gold, and put the car in lochorst (Leiden, who died in 1510 Johan van Lockhorst) for his watercolor painting every 12 year old gold Florin St. Hubert. He began to work at a young age, he left a large number of works, in which he was already dead, and must be an amazing worker.
Potiphar's wife shows Joseph's clothing 1514 Lucas entered the painters' Guild in Leiden. He seems to have a certain amount of, and access to records, Antwerp 1521 years drers travel abroad, and 1527 in Middelburg, when he met Jan Mabius. A complete series of old prints can follow his career as a printer, and so far many of his paintings. D RER is the greatest impact on him, but Lucas in his knowledge, tend to be concentrated in the main character, love cartoon
After Lucas Van Lydon lost his job, his daughter in the lot and basic drawing skills, van Leyden is his father's students, from their hands not work by, and Cornelis Engelbrechtsz, but his precocious originality is the most important. Where he learned engraving is unknown, but he used the work of Mark Anthony Raimondi, the pattern is again in Lucas's sculpture and painting, and became a highly skilled art at a very early age: the earliest known printed by him (Mohamed murdered monk) began in 1508, when he might be only 14. But there is no inspiration or immature technology marks.
The seventeen painting was written by Lucas, and the other is known as a description of the contemporary copies or drawings of from Jan by de Bisschop in the next seventeenth centuries. The maximum Friedl by nder did not see the development of style clear pattern, largely because of Lucas's works is the swelling of fuzzy attribute because discovery is not sustainable. In four stages of his artistic development is Elise Lawton Smith for digital early half length of his (C 1506), the development of his 1512 (C 1512 1520) landscape, the effect of paintings in Antwerp (C 1521-25) and later works (CA 1525-1531), in which multiple numbers are deployed the forest landscape in the city of Jericho, healing the blind brother (illustration). Lucas flourished in his era, and Vasari (who called him Lucas van Hollandt) even thought he was above u rough endoplasmic reticulum. He is recognized as one of the characters of graphic art in the history of the greatest, because he prints and woodcuts and engravings, is a prolific draftsman. As a painter he is elevated, but he is no doubt of his era of outstanding Flemish painters. He is a pioneer in the traditional style of Holland, his chess players (gallery, Berlin) - in fact it represents a variant of a game called "the courier and his players card (National Gallery, Washington), and celebrated his triptych's last judgment on 1526-27 (lemken Holzer Museum in 1526 - 27, suffering illustrations) display height, he can rise as a religious painter. This fully shows the vivid imagination, he and his deft toning techniques and flow strokes as wonderful.