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米格尔·巴塞洛Miquel Barceló

米格尔·巴塞洛Miquel Barceló,1957年生于费拉尼奇,西班牙画家。

  • 中文名米格尔·巴塞洛
  • 外文名Miquel Barceló
  • 性别
  • 国籍西班牙
  • 出生地费拉尼奇
  • 出生日期1957年
  • 职业画家



在整个80年代,他广泛游历欧洲,美国和西非 - 总是返回巴黎,这成为第二个家,并在那里建立了一个第二个演播室。马里非常着迷,第三工作室安装在塞古。时间巴塞罗在不同国家度过的,他的游牧或巡回习惯本质上的影响,激发了他的工作,最强烈的西非的印象:它的光功率,顶着烈日的岩石景观,大海和河流 - 视觉体验,也许让他想起了他的家乡马略卡。

在展示和各种文化和多方面的风景,他的治疗的一些古典绘画的伟大主题,如风景,静物,艺术家的工作室或肖像,和技术挑战,如透视,色彩的影响和光治疗和组成,是经常性的。他从存储器绘画包括在表达的新形式无边勘探自传报价,其中他广泛地与宽范围的材料,纹理,光,颜色和图案的过程的实验中,与元件的目的和的突变,液化其通过渐行渐远,metamorphisis和死亡无常。因此,他与无机以及有机材料或元件的实验。除了新主题的探索,一个始终重复出现的主题 - 这表明马略卡岛是始终与他 - 就是这是他从变化的角度走近大海。他在纸上,画,建模工作,雕塑和陶瓷作品似乎在超越时间和空间的方式进行互联,即使他们总是与一定的空间和时间坐标。他一人包揽,幻想和披露之间的无意识链接给他的艺术叙事和审美的统一和连贯性。


2004年巴塞罗的水彩画,说明但丁的神曲,在卢浮宫博物馆在巴黎的表现的。因此,他成为了这个博物馆显示有史以来最年轻的艺术家。上一份礼物活动是为马略卡大教堂教堂桑特佩尔,尊敬对家乡故土的一个重要项目。他是用陶瓷没有对象(喜欢该系列的他在1998年做了教会圣欧拉利娅,加泰罗尼亚教堂,巴勒莫,西西里岛的仪式图标),但约300平方米的精雕细琢的壁画的形成。巴塞罗覆盖着赤土整个教堂,创造一种第二层皮肤,并与相关的圣约翰,面包和鱼乘法的奇迹,选定一个主题的福音第六章的图像装饰它,因为教堂是专门到最后的晚餐的圣餐。除此之外,巴塞罗的创造力也为其他机会的需求; 1990年,他设计的服装和曼努埃尔德法雅的歌剧“Tréteaux德皮埃尔老爷”的舞台歌剧喜歌剧院在巴黎和2006年阿维尼翁艺术节,他与编舞家约瑟夫Nadj表演的一部分。

English Introduction

In the process of Academy of Fine Arts in Parma after two years, he enrolled in Academy of Fine Arts in Barcelona in 1974 after a year, he returned to Mallorca to participate in the events and group "Delle Llun tic" of the protests, the concept of avant-garde group. All of them changed the political environment without a sudden set, and they felt an urge to reexperience all of them from both the European capitals and the demonstrations of American avant garde. He also took part in the creation of the artist's first edition of the neon lights of the German artist (from 1957 to 21 in 1982), a common belief in the last century in which the reaction of the painting was dead.
He returned to Parma a year after he had his first solo exhibition at the museum. Initially, avant-garde art champagne and American Abstract Expressionism (such as Pollock to his influence) the influence of Barcelona's work, on the other hand, he is always in the baroque style of painting is particularly interested in Vilas Vazquez, Tintoretto and Rembrandt. Dubuffet, who sees himself as a true anarchist, taking an experimental attitude inspired barcelona. Soon, he found his own way of expression, to simplify and reduce the different "-isms" over the past few decades, and to draw up the theme and technical challenges, but he never gave up the traditional painting of the holy rules such as "chiaroscuro" as an example. He believes in the continuation of a grand tradition.
Throughout the 80s, he traveled extensively in Europe, the United States and West Africa - always returning to Paris, which became the second home and built a second studio there. Mali is very fascinating, the third studio installed in segou. Spend time in Barcelona in different countries, his influence on the nature of the tour or nomadic habits, and inspired his work, the strongest impression in West Africa: power of it, the scorching sun landscape of rock, sea and river - visual experience, perhaps reminded him of his home town of mallorca.
In the show and various aspects of the culture and landscape, the great theme of his treatment, some classical paintings such as landscapes, still lifes, the artist's studio or portrait, and technical challenges, such as perspective, the influence of color and light treatment and composition, is frequently. He is painting from memory including endless exploration in the new form of autobiography quotes, which he extensively with a wide range of materials, texture, light, color and pattern of the process of experiment, and the mutation element purpose and the liquefaction by drifting away, metamorphisis and death impermanence. As a result, he works with inorganic as well as organic materials or components. In addition to the exploration of the new theme, a theme that has always been repeated - this shows that Mallorca is always with him - that is, from the point of view of his approach to the sea. He works on paper, painting, modeling, sculpture and ceramic works seem to be interconnected in a way that transcends time and space, even though they are always associated with certain spatial and temporal coordinates. Taking one of his, between fantasy and disclosure of the unconscious link to his artistic narrative and aesthetic unity and coherence.
He participated in the "literature 7", Cassell, Germany, in 1982 he received international recognition. From the middle of 80s, Barcelona's work (painting, drawing, sculpture and ceramics) has been the subject of numerous programs around the world famous gallery (gallery Bruno Bischofberger, Leo Castelli) important museums and other cultural sites.
2004 Barcelona watercolor, that Dante's Divine Comedy, Le Louvre Museum Museum in the performance in Paris. As a result, he became the youngest artist ever shown in the museum. A gift is for Majorca Cathedral Church of Sant Pell, an important project with respect to the hometown. He is not with the ceramic object (love the series in 1998 he made a church of Catalonia church, Palermo, Santa Eulalia, Sicily icon, but the ceremony) of about 300 square meters of murals carved form. Barcelona akado covered the entire church, creating a second layer of skin, and is associated with Saint John, bread and fish multiplication miracle, select a theme image of chapter sixth to decorate it, because the church is dedicated to the last supper. In addition, Barcelona creativity also for other opportunities demand; in 1990, he designed the costumes and Manuel Eldredge, the opera "Tr teaux Delpierre master stage opera opera Comique in Paris and the 2006 Avignon Art Festival, he and a part of choreographer Joseph Nadj.






    最近更新:2025-02-15 14:03:42
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