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马格里特 Magritte Rene

( 超现实主义画家 )

勒内·弗朗索瓦·马格里特Ghislain的(1898年11月21日- 1967年8月15日)是比利时 超现实主义画家。他成为众所周知的一些机智和发人深省的形象。通常在一个不寻常的背景下描绘普通的物体,他的作品以挑战观察者对现实的预处理认知而闻名。他的形象已经影响流行,极简主义和观念艺术。

  • 中文名马格里特
  • 外文名Magritte Rene
  • 性别
  • 国籍比利时
  • 出生日期1898年11月21日
  • 逝世日期1967年8月15日
  • 职业画家

美术网 04-30 浏览

令人心往神驰的私人收藏现代艺术杰作雷尼‧马格利特(Rene Magritte)《光之帝国》首度亮相伦敦苏富比1961年艺术家为安玛莉‧吉利翁‧库维(Anne-Marie Gillion Crowet)...

格里特出生于莱西纳,在省埃诺,比利时,1898年他是利奥波德马格利特,一的长子裁缝和纺织商人, 里贾纳(娘家姓 Bertinchamps),谁是女帽,她得到了前已婚。很少有人知道马格里特的早期生活。他于1910年1912年3月图上12日开始的教训,他的母亲犯自杀由溺水自己河桑布尔。这不是她第一次尝试自己的生活; 她已经做了很多年,驱使她的丈夫Léopold锁定她进入她的卧室。有一天她逃脱了,失踪了几天。她的尸体后来在附近的河边发现了一英里。



马格利特的最早的绘画,从1915年至今,是印象派的风格。从1916年到1918年,他就读于布鲁塞尔皇家艺术学院在布鲁塞尔,在恒Montald,却发现指令平淡。他在1918-1924年生产的画作受到影响,未来主义和比喻立体主义的麦琴根。1922年,马格利特结婚乔其纱伯杰,谁他会见了在1913年一个孩子从1920年12月至九月1921年,马格利特在比利时步兵供应Beverlo附近的弗拉芒镇利奥波德斯布尔格。在1922-23,他曾作为起草人在墙纸工厂,是一个海报和广告设计师,直到1926年,当画廊“Le Centaure酒店”在合同布鲁塞尔使人们有可能为他作画的全职。1926年,马格利特生产他的第一个超现实主义绘画,失落的赛马(乐赛马年华),并在布鲁塞尔举行首次个展于1927年批评的展览堆滥用。由故障郁闷,他移居巴黎,在那里他成为了朋友与安德烈·布雷顿,并成为所涉及的在超现实主义团体。幻觉,梦幻般的质量是Magritte的超现实主义版本的特点。他在1927年离开他的母亲比利时来到巴黎后,成为运动的领导成员,在那里他住了三年。

Galerie'Le Centaure'于1929年年底关闭,结束了Magritte的合同收入。在巴黎没有什么影响,Magritte于1930年回到布鲁塞尔,并恢复了广告工作。他和他的哥哥,保罗,形成了为他赢得了生活工资的机构。


在德国占领比利时在第二次世界大战期间,他留在布鲁塞尔,这导致与布列塔尼休息。他于1943年至1944年短暂地采用了色彩鲜艳,绘画风格,被称为他的“插曲雷诺阿时期”,因为他的异化和被遗弃感的反应,与生活在德国占领的比利时来了。1946年,放弃暴力和悲观他的早期作品,他在签署宣言,加入了其他几个比利时艺术家在全光照超现实主义。在1947-48,马格利特的“瓦谢时代”,他画了挑衅和原油野兽派风格。在此期间,马格利特支持自己通过生产假冒毕加索,Braques和Chiricos -a欺诈的剧目,他后来在精益战后时期扩大到伪钞的印刷。这家合资公司进行了沿着他的哥哥保罗·马格利特和同胞的超现实主义和“代孕儿子马塞尔·马里安,谁已经下降的出售伪造的任务。在1948年底,他回到了风格和他的超现实主义战前的艺术主题。


在政治上,马格利特站到了左边,并保留密切联系的共产党,甚至在战后岁月。然而,他批评共产主义左派的功能主义文化政策,指出“阶级意识是必要的面包;但这并不意味着工人必须被谴责面包和水,希望鸡和香槟是有害的。 (...)对于共产主义画家,艺术活动的正当性是创造能代表精神奢侈的图片。虽然仍然致力于政治左派,他因此主张某种艺术的自主权。在他的宗教观点,马格利特是一个不可知论者。

在马格利特的作品广受关注的20世纪60年代明显上升,他的形象已经影响流行,极简主义和观念艺术。 2005年,他在来到第九瓦隆版本德Grootste BELG(最伟大的比利时); 在佛兰芒语的版本,他18日。


马格利特博物馆向公众开放30 2009年5月布鲁塞尔。在五个级别的新古典主义风格酒店Altenloh内,在皇家广场,它显示了一些原有的200马格利特油画,素描和雕塑,包括回归,里姆斯基和灯光的帝国。这种多学科永久安装是最大的马格利特存档的任何地方和大部分的工作是直接从艺术家的遗孀,收集乔其纱马格利特,和艾琳阿穆瓦尔Scutenaire,谁是他的主要收藏家。此外,馆内包括马格利特与从1920摄影,他从1956年就做了短超现实主义电影的实验。

另一个博物馆位于135街Esseghem在布鲁塞尔马格利特故居,在那里他与妻子从1930年到1954年一幅画,奥林匹亚(1948年),由马格利特马格利特妻子的裸体人像,从这个博物馆就被盗2009年9月24日上午由两名武装男子。被盗的工作据说价值约110万美元。  奥林匹亚被送回博物馆2012年1月初期,因为他们无法出售它的小偷交还画黑市由于其成名。

English Introductio

Magritte was born in Laixi in the province of Hainaut, Belgium, 1898, he is Leopold Margarete, the eldest son of a tailor and textile merchant, Regina (nee Bertinchamps), who is a milliner, she got married before. Little is known about the early life of margaret. He began his lessons on 1910, 12, on the beginning of the day of his mother committing suicide by drowning himself in the river of the river, on the day of the week of the year of. It wasn't the first time she had tried her own life; she had been doing it for years, driving her husband L OPOLD to lock her into her bedroom. One day she escaped and disappeared for a few days. Her body was found a mile near the river.
According to one legend, the 13 year old Magritte was present when her body was recovered from the water, but recent studies have killed the story, which may have been initiated by family nurses. ] said, when his mother, her clothes in her face, has been suggested as the works of Margaret a few people cover their faces in the 1927-1928 source with a cloth, including image les Amants.Margaret's earliest painting, from 1915 to the present, is the style of impressionism. from 1916 to 1918, he studied at the Royal College of Art in Brussels,, in the constant Montald, but found that instruction dull. He was influenced by 1918-1924 in the annual production of paintings and figurative Cubism, futurism Metzingen involves.  1922, Margaret married Georgette Berger, whom he met in 1913 a child from December 1920 to September1921, Margaret in the vicinity of the Belgian infantry Beverlo Flemish town Liaobodesi Boolean lattice. In 1922-23, he worked as a draftsman at the wallpaper factory, was a poster and advertising designer until 1926, when the gallery "Le Centaure" in the contract Brussels made it possible for him to paint full-time. In 1926, Margaret produced his first surrealist painting, lost horse racing (Le jockey time), and held the first solo exhibition in Brussels in 1927 to criticize the exhibition heap abuse. Depressed by the failure, he moved to Paris, where he became friends with Andre Breton, and became involved in the surrealist group. Illusion, fantastic quality is a feature of Magritte's surreal version. He left his mother, Belgium, to Paris in 1927 and became a leading member of the movement, where he lived for three years. 
Galerie'Le Centaure'closed at the end of 1929, ending the Magritte contract revenue. In Paris there is no impact, Magritte returned to Brussels in 1930, and restored the advertising work.he and his brother, Paul, formed an organization that earned him a living wage.
In the early stages of the occupation career, the British surrealist patron Edward James allowed Margaret to stay at his rented home in London and free of paint. James is in the two works of Margaret Le Plaisir (Dupulinxi features, the principle of happiness) and pull Interdite copy of a picture, also known as not be reproduced.
During the German occupation of Belgium during the Second World War, he stayed in Brussels, which resulted in a break with brittany. From 1943 to 1944, he briefly used bright colors, painting style, known for his "episode of Renoir period", because of his alienation and abandonment reaction, and living in the German occupation of Belgium. In 1946, to renounce violence and pessimism in his early works, he signed a declaration to join several other Belgian artists in full light surrealism. In  1947-48, Margaret's "Vachon era", he drew a provocative and crude brutalist style. In the meantime, Margaret supported herself through the production of fake Picasso, Braques and Chiricos -a fraud repertoire, he later in the post-war period extended to lean counterfeit printing. The joint venture carried out along with his brother Paul Margarete and fellow surrealist and "surrogate son, Marcel Marian, who has fallen on the sale of forged tasks. at the end of 1948, he returned to the style and theme of his pre war art.
His work was exhibited in New York, USA, in 1936 and in the city's two retrospective exhibition, one at the Museum of modern art in 1965, and the other in Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1992.
Politically, Margaret stood on the left and retained close ties with the Communist Party, even after the war years. However, he criticized the Communist left for the functionalism of cultural policy, pointing out that "class consciousness is necessary for bread; but that does not mean that workers must be blamed for bread and water, and that the chicken and champagne are harmful. (for...) for Communist painters, the legitimacy of artistic activities is the creation of images that represent the spirit of luxury. Although he is still committed to the political left, he advocates a certain artistic autonomy.in his religious views, Margaret is an agnostic. 
Popular in the works of Margaret increased significantly in 1960s, his image has influenced pop, minimalism and conceptual art. 2005, he came to the ninth version of BELG de Grootste (Walloon greatest Belgian); in the Flemish version, he 18.Margaret museum open to the public in Brussels May 302009.  in the five level of the new classical style hotel in Altenloh, at the Royal Plaza, it shows some of the original 200 Margaret paintings, drawings and sculpture, including regression, rimski and lighting empire.  this multidisciplinary permanent installation is any place in the largest Margaret archive and most of the work is directly from the artist's widow, Margaret Amu and Aileen collected Georgette, Wahl Scutenaire, who is his main collectors. In addition to the, the museum includes Margaret with 1920 photography from 1956, he has done a short surrealist film experiment. 
Another museum is located at 135 Esseghem street in Brussels, the former residence of Margaret, where he and his wife from 1930 to 1954, a picture of Olympia (1948), by his wife Margarete Margarete nude portrait, from the museum on the morning of September 24, 2009 by the theft of two armed men. Stolen work is said to be worth about $1 million 100 thousand.  Olympia was sent back to the museum in the early January 2012, because they could not sell it back to the black market because of its fame.






    最近更新:2025-02-07 23:15:42
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